
瓦尔达太可爱了 太幽默了 太有思想了 quote别人论文里的一段话:

With The Gleaners and I, Varda crafts a digital cinema that is materialist, feminist, phenomenological, and political. A materialist cinema: Varda is concerned about the fate of material objects, and she practices what Siegfried Kracauer names “the redemption of physical reality.” A feminist cinema: at the start of her film, Varda reminds us that once upon a time, there were only female gleaners, not male gleaners, because gathering society’s leftovers was considered women’s labor—but this is a type of labor with which Varda proudly identifies her own filmmaking. A phenomenological cinema: the film is about the world of concrete, everyday things experienced through the senses, not a timeless world of abstract Platonic ideals. And finally, a political cinema: Varda and her gleaners are enmeshed in what Hannah Arendt calls “the web of human relations”—in networks of individuals who help each other to think, create, and survive, and who are in fact defined by these reciprocal acts (Arendt, 183).


King, Homay, 2007. ‘Matter, Time, and the Digital: Varda’s The Gleaners and I’. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 24:5, pp. 421-429.

拾穗者Les glaneurs et la glaneuse(2000)

又名:拾穗者与我(港) / 艾格妮捡风景(台) / 同是天涯拾荒客 / 我和拾穗者 / 拾荒者 / The Gleaners & I


主演:Bodan Litnanski/Agnès Varda/François Wertheimer

导演:Agnès Varda编剧:Agnès Varda

