我不认为这部电影是Woody Allen很认真的讨论、表达或者是提问的电影
比如《安妮霍尔》,伍迪艾伦开场的独白可以说是他想借人物表达的东西,他对爱情的理解(每个人都需要鸡蛋),他对人生的态度(这么难吃还给的这么少)《曼哈顿》结尾处那句“have a little faith”可以理解为他对自己的忠告
在这种作品中我们可以看到他在清晰而认真的表达,he means it
The movie is so cheerful and open that it took me a day or two, after I’d seen it, to realize how deeply Allen has reached this time. If it is true, and I think it is, that most of the time we go to the movies in order to experience brief lives that are not our own, then Allen is demonstrating what a tricky self-deception we practice. Those movie lives consist of only what is on the screen, and if we start thinking that real life can be the same way, we are in for a cruel awakening. ——rogerebert
But in one of Woody Allen's interesting twists, he has Shepherd fall in love with Cecilia. It's a nice little comment on the nature of love, that who we fall in love with is something that's decided at the core of who we are. —— 100 films
