
make pass at 挑逗

douche bag 愚蠢的人,讨厌鬼

get out of line 违规

whacked 疲惫不堪的,精疲力竭的

shape up 顺利发展,成形,表现良好

self-reliant 自力更生的,自恃的

non sequitur 不合逻辑的推论

carousel 旋转木马

a flash in the pan 昙花一现

a peach of 出色的

pathos 悲怅;痛苦;同情;哀婉动人的词句

head over heels 神魂颠倒

a score to settle 一笔旧账

get out of hand 失控,无法控制

jumbled 乱七八糟的

sublime 庄严的

out of the blue 突然地,意外地

mark my words 记住我的话

a close call 侥幸的脱险

drab 单调的,枯燥的

dichotomy 二元论


I want what happened last week to happen this week, otherwise what's life all about anyway?

-He has to be drawn out.

-I don't like to draw people out.

-That's what I said, he has trouble with live humans.

Just because a thing never happened before doesn't mean it can't happen for first time.

-Where I come from people don't disappoint, they are consistent, always reliable.
-You don't find that kind in real life.

But when you kissed me, I felt like my heart faded out. I closed my eyes, and I was in some private place.
——Tom亲吻Cecilia后发现周围并没有像电影中一般fade out,Cecilia柔情地对他说

Life's too short to spend time on thinking about life. Let's just live it。

The real ones want their lives fictional, and the fictional ones want their lives real.

What good is perfect if the man's not real?

We're not talking about in love, we're talking about making love.
——Tom说自己爱着Cecilia, working girl Emma对Tom说

-Every breath she takes makes my heart dance.
-Are there any other guys like you out there?

Let's redefine ourselves as the real world, and them as the world of illusion and shadow. You see, we're reality, they are a dream.

-That's impossible
-I'm in the world of impossible.

The most human of all attributes is your ability to choose.

-It's romantic.

You'll be fine. In your world,things have a way of always working out right, I'm a real person. No matter how tempted I am, I have to choose the real world.

It's too late. I should have left a long time ago, I would've, except I was scared of being alone.

It ain't the movie. It's real life, you'll be back. Mark my word, you'll be back.

It was the one which came closest to my original conception. Filled with dreams within dreams, and fantasies about fantasies, the moving is a charming, nostaligic tale which repeatedly blurs the line between reality and illusion, questioning both their nature—and their worth. While fiction may be a valuable tonic in times of despair, it's also an emotional quicksand—a dangerous place to linger. Crafting the story of Cecilia, the director was interested in highlighting this dilemma: she's forced to choose between reality and fantasy, but no matter how difficult that choice becomes, ultimately, one can't choose fantasy, because that can lead to madness, so one has to choose reality. And when you choose reality, you get hurt.
——Woody Allen on this film

The most difficult part, the part I was supposed to say something, some original thoughts on this film:

你有没有这样的时候?现实以铺天盖地的声势让人失望,让人厌倦,你想要逃离这晦暗的不毛之地,却发现现实将你牢牢掌控,你无处可逃。Cecilia有。她一次次气冲冲地离家出走,却又一次次悄无声息地回到那个家,她的丈夫一定对这种家常便饭式的桥段习以为常,所以才能每次在Cecilia拎着行李摔门而出的时候,底气十足地咆哮着他那灵验的预言:“you'll be back。”

直到有一天,从the middle of nowhere来的幻想为你打开一扇看上去通往光明的门,燃起了你对生活熄灭已久的热情,这幻想可以是一份工作,一次旅行,一次恋爱——任何你期望而尚未实现的,对Cecilia来说,这幻想更为梦幻:电影中完美的人物Tom走出大荧幕爱上了她,现实中的演员Gil也爱上了她。接着,按照Woody Allen的安排,Cecilia流连于所谓梦幻的爱与现实的爱之间,终于,在电影院那个界限梦幻与现实的大荧幕前,她得在二者之间做出艰难的抉择。这里电影的情节发展得极其快,但我还是能挤出时间问自己一句:如果我是Cecilia,会做出怎样的选择?这个问题横空出世之后,伴着电影中快速的对白,我的脑子里出现了一大段空白。没想到Cecilia却很快做出了选择: I'm a real person. No matter how tempted I am, I have to choose the real world.

接着是Cecilia回家匆忙地收拾行李,又一次。只是,这一次她道出了之前N次出走“失败”的原因:I should have left a long time ago, I would've, except I was scared of being alone.我们人生中的那些裹足不前又何尝不是如此:害怕失去眼下拥有的,害怕独自一人,哪怕那些人那些事我们早已厌倦;那些我们真正害怕失去的,其实早已失去了;我们固守的,只是我们心中的恐惧。

影片演到这里,只剩下几分钟时间了,再除去片尾的时间,结局迫在眉睫,我屏住呼吸:Cecilia提着行李回到电影院,那里早已人去楼空,一切来如春梦不多时,去似朝云无觅处。 Yes,这就是我想要的结局,when you choose reality, you get hurt,这才为整部看似奇幻的电影定下了最现实的基调。


There is another reality more real than Gil, that is Monk;
There is another fantasy more fantastic than Tom, that is a new life;
Above reality, below fantasy, there is always a way out;
A way leading to a really fantastic reality!
