两对中年夫妇来到美国教堂中,共同缅怀各自早逝的幼子。。。他们都因丧子之痛而痛不欲生、辗转难眠。随着四人对话的推进,观者发现其中一对夫妇(Jay & Gail)的儿子死于校园暴力,而另一对夫妇 ( Richard & Linda)的儿子确实施暴者。Richard 和Linda 讲述其子自小成长史:孤僻、怪异。。。 Gail brings a righteous anger early in the meeting, wondering how the other parents could have missed warning signs. Richard & Linda insist it’s not as clear-cut as the press made it out to be. It never is.

The complex emotional issues that circle through “Mass” like nature vs. nurture and blaming parents for their children's actions give it some emotional heft, but Kranz’s dialogue too often sounds scripted, increasingly so as the film reaches its boiling point.

Formally reserved to the extreme, almost the entirety of Kranz’s film takes place in a church meeting room, giving the entire production the feeling of a one-act play, but it lacks the intensity it would have in that format, where the emotions of the characters could feel more tangible than they do here. It’s an experiment in real-time drama that dissipates in its intensity and power just as it’s getting through its emotional climaxes.



主演:布瑞达·伍尔 Kagen Albright Michelle N. Carter 玛莎·普林顿 詹森·艾萨克 里德·伯尼 安·唐德 Michael White Campbell Spoor 
