Truth is painful.
Freedom hurts.
A lie maintains the order.
Violence is suicide.
Fear turns to mobilization and crisis creats move.
Catastrophe saves persons or idea elevating to myth.
Eli Eli lama Sabachthani!
"Big Other" is nonexistent.
And we are alone with no doubts.
The dreams may not be right.
And the desires are not objective facts.
The true idea will not be killed by the frozen ice!

变态者意识形态指南The Pervert's Guide to Ideology(2012)

又名:齐泽克电影指南:意识形态篇(港) / 意识形态疯癫指南


主演:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 / 

导演:索菲亚·菲尼斯 / 编剧:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 Slavoj Zizek


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