
The great thing about the Taxi Driver is that it brings this brutal outburst of violence to it’s radical suicidal dimension. (31:44)
We are not dealing here with something which simply concerns the fragile psychology of a distorted person, what Travis in Taxi Driver is, it has something to do with ideology.(32:05)


- Listen you fuckers, you screw-heads,here is a man who would not take it anymore. Who would not-
- Listen you fuckers you screw-heads,Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is someone who stood up. (32:27)




In the Taxi Driver,Travis, the hero, is bothered by the young prostitute played by Jody Foster.(32:55)
What bothers him are, of course as is always the case, precisely his fantasies. (32:43)
Fantasies of her. Victim who of her hidden pleasure.(32:49)
And fantasies are not just a private matter of individuals. Fantasies are the central stuff our ideologies are made of. (33:00)

Fantasy is in psychoanalytical perspective fundamentally a lie. (33:09) 幻想从精神分析角度来讲根本就是一个谎言

Not a lie in the sense that it’s just a fantasy and not a reality, but a lie in the sense that fantasy covers up a certain gap in consistency. (33:20)
When things are blurred, when we cannot really get to know things, fantasy provides an easy answer.(33:28)
The usual mode of fantasy is to construct a scene, not a scene where I get what I desire but a scene in which I imagine myself as desire by others. (33:47)
Taxi Driver is an unacknowledged remake of perhaps the greatest of John Ford’s westerns, his late classic the Searchers(电影名).(34:00)

In both films, the hero tries to save a young woman who is perceived as a victim of brutal abuse. (34:19)

In the Searchers the young Nathalie Wood was kidnapped and lived for a couple of years as the wife of an Indian chief. (34:34)
在searcher中是那个被绑架并成为了印第安首领妻子很多年的年轻的 Nathalie Wood。
In Taxi driver the young Jodie Foster is controlled by a ruthless pimp.(34:42)


-You walk out with those fucking creeps and lowlifes and degenerates out on the streets and sell your little pussy for nothing man? For some low life pimp?Stands in a hall.I’m the- I’m square? You’re the one that’s square man. I don’t go screw and fuck with a bunch of killers and junkies the way you do.(35:01)




But what really drives this violence of the hero is a deep suspicion that the victim is not simply a victim. That the victim, effectively in a perverted way, enjoys or participates in what appears as her victimhood.So that, to put it very simply, she doesn’t want to be redeemed, she resists it. (35:32)

And this is the big problem, if I make an immediate jump to the political dimension, the big problem of American military interventions, especially so-called humanitarian interventions.(35:58)
From Iraq to already Vietnam half a century ago. We try to help them but what if they really did not want our help? (36:12)
The result of this debilitating deadlock can only be an outburst of violence.



We do get, towards the end of the film Travis exploding in a killing spree. Killing the pimps, all the people around the young girl. (36:33)
我们从出租车司机里 爆发的杀人狂欢中可以看出
Violence is never just abstract violence.It’s a kind of brutal intervention in the real to cover up a certain impotence concerning what we may call cognitive mapping. You lack a clear picture of what’s going on.(37:00)
Where are we? Exactly the same holds for the terrifying bouts of violence Anders Behring Breivik’s murder spree in Oslo. Exploding a bomb in front of the government building and then killing dozens of young members of the social democratic party in an island close to Oslo. (37:24)
Many commentators tried to dismiss this as a clear case of personal insanity but I think Breivik’s manifesto is well worth reading.(37:38)
it is palpably clear there how this violence, that Breivik not only theorised about but also enacted , is a reaction to the impenetrability and confusion of global capital. It’s exactly like Travis Bickle’s killing spree at the end of the Taxi Driver. (38:06)
这事件清晰的显示出这暴力,不仅仅存在于凶手的理论并且被实施的暴力, 是对资本主义全球化的一种无法理解和困惑。这正是出租车司机里导致出租车杀人狂欢的理由。

When he is there, barely alive, he symbolically with his fingers points a gun at his own head; clear sign that all this violence was basically suicidal.(38:21)
He was on the right path, in a way, Travis in the Taxi Driver.You should have the outburst of violence, and you should direct it at yourself, but in a very specific way, at what in yourself chains you, ties you to the ruling ideology.(38:41)


变态者意识形态指南The Pervert's Guide to Ideology(2012)

又名:齐泽克电影指南:意识形态篇(港) / 意识形态疯癫指南


主演:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 / 

导演:索菲亚·菲尼斯 / 编剧:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 Slavoj Zizek


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