We are responsible for our dreams,our dreams stage our desires,and our desires are not objective facts.We creat them,we sustain them,we are responsible for them.
The first step to freedom is not just to change reality to fit your dreams,it's to change the way you dream...
There is no guaratee that this future will arrive.No train of history on which we simply have to have a ride.It depends on us,on our will.

Every revolution,if it is an authentic revolution,not only directs to the future,but it redeems also the past failed revolutions.All the ghosts,as it were;the living dead of the past revolution which are roaming around,unsatisfied,will finally find their home in the new freedom.

变态者意识形态指南The Pervert's Guide to Ideology(2012)

又名:齐泽克电影指南:意识形态篇(港) / 意识形态疯癫指南


主演:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 / 

导演:索菲亚·菲尼斯 / 编剧:斯拉沃热·齐泽克 Slavoj Zizek


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