This guy is so fucked up. In the beginning of the first episode, he has 4 kids that he can barely take a breath. Together with his jackass father in law, he really has a fucked up life. 老实人也可以出轨,被生活压到喘不过气什么事都能做出来。Noah的老婆在心理咨询的时候问他,do you know why i married you? because you are safe. 人心其实是最不safe的东西啊。
This girl is so fucked up. She needs love, care and support. However she wants this from a stranger, a guy from the affair. Are you freaking kidding me? Men are asshole. Men are self-centered and indifferent. Men only care about themselves but no one else. 她竟然在最痛苦的时候,希望那个男带她远走高飞。而那个男人躲避的眼神和厌恶的话语。我怒火中烧。
在Allison的记忆里(E09),Noah说 I love you, I will be with you. Allison或许知道不可信,但似乎又有些相信。Stupid girl, that guy will never leave his family. and you already have a husband that loves you enough.