Slough House系列小说现在出了七本主线外加三本番外,第八本也快出了。电视剧第一季就是原著第一本Slow Horses的内容,读了之后感觉总体挺还原的,改编得比较合适。原著和电视剧一样有很多神经病笑点,记录了几个有趣的地方。


‘Potterville,’ River muttered to himself. He passed under the bridge, and turned left too. A brief glimpse of overhead sky—grey and damp as a dishcloth—and River was entering the mini-concourse that housed platforms 9, 10 and 11. From its outside wall half a luggage trolley protruded: platform 9 3/4 was where the Hogwarts Express docked. River passed inside. The target was already heading down Platform 10.


to its right, the New Empire Chinese restaurant, whose windows are constantly obscured by a thick red curtain. A typewritten menu propped against the glass has yellowed with age but is never replaced; is merely amended with marker pen. If diversification has been the key to the newsagent's survival, retrenchment has been the long-term strategy of the New Empire, with dishes regularly struck from its menu like numbers off a bingo card. It is one of Jackson Lamb's core beliefs that eventually all the New Empire will offer will be egg-fried rice and sweet-and-sour pork. All served behind thick red curtains, as if paucity of choice were a national secret.


Lamb was leaning in the doorway, his cheeks glistening slightly as they tended to after exertion. Climbing stairs counted, though he’d not made a squeak on them. River could barely manage such stealth himself, and he wasn’t carrying Lamb’s weight: most of it gathered round his middle, like a pregnancy.





River had measured the distance between Lamb’s chair and the window. That blind wasn’t going to offer resistance. If River got the leverage right, Lamb would be a pizza-shaped stain on the pavement instead of drawing another breath;


A couple of years later, the world was upside down. Partner was dead; Slough House was up and running; and Jackson Lamb was king. And for some reason, Catherine Standish was beside him. Lamb had asked for her specifically, she discovered, but he never gave her one hint why. And she’d never asked him. If he’d had designs on her, he was years too late; there’d been a time when she’d have slept with him without giving it much thought, or remembering it afterwards, but since drying out she’d been more particular, and had slept with precisely no one. And if that ever changed, it wasn’t going to be for Jackson Lamb.



’We didn’t mean to kill him, though.’ ‘Yeah,’ said Lamb. ‘It’s all very well being sorry now, isn’t it?’


‘Are you alone?’ she asked. He spread his arms as if to measure the stupidity of her question.


Lamb threw back his head and laughed a silent laugh, while leaves' shadows flickered across his wobbling face. He looked like someone Goya might have painted.


Lamb took the stairs: quieter, more reliable, than a lift. Such caution was second nature.


If Moscow rules meant watch your back, London rules meant cover your arse.Moscow rules had been written on the streets, but London rules were devised in the corridors of Westminster, and the short version read: someone always pays. Make sure it isn’t you. Nobody knew that better than Jackson Lamb. And nobody played it better than Di Taverner.


Jackson Lamb reached inside his coat, and had the satisfaction of seeing her flinch. Her expression turned to distaste as he scratched his armpit. ‘Think I might have been bitten at the canal.’


He was fiddling with his bent cigarette again, and seemed at least as interested in it as in whatever River’s folder held. But still: River waited until Lamb threw him a barely perceptible nod, before he went on.


Lamb has known greater treacheries. After all, Charles Partner—one-time head of Five—sold himself for money.


流人Slow Horses(2022)


主演:加里·奥德曼 奥利维亚·库克 杰克·劳登 乔纳森·普雷斯 克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 



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