Last night I was watching a BBC documentary called The World's Worst Place to be Gay. I felt really frustrated after that.
Before I started, I thought this documentary would be talking about Russia, because that was the only country I knew being homophobic publicly. However, very soon I found myself, again, ignorant. It was about another country, Uganda, in Africa.
From this documentary I saw that, in Uganda, almost every person is homophobic. From Christians to government, from teachers, parents to the young generation. Everyone. They don't just dislike homosexual people, they hate them, and in some more extreme cases, they want them to die. They don't believe that people can be born gay, on the contrary, they say that being gay means being evil, because 'being gay is a choice'. You can imagine that, in such a terrifying environment, gay people hardly have any rights. They are being insulted, beaten, threatened, or even killed, for being themselves. And other people don't care whether they are alive or dead. Even parents kick their own children out of home because they are homosexual. Just like the presenter of this documentary said, "It's very dangerous to be gay here".
Now I don't want to just talk about what has been shown in this documentary. I want to tell you how I feel about all this.
First I think it was very brave of the presenter, Scott Mills, to go to Uganda and make this documentary. He himself is homosexual, and seeing how gay people are being treated in Uganda must have been very hard for him. Yet he still tried his best to be calm and objective with his interviews. Several of the people he interviewed were homosexual, while the others were homophobic, including the councillor, who actually strongly supported the idea of illegalizing LGBT people, and suggested that they should be hanged. It was total shocking that how much people can discriminate the others.
I also remember that the words the presenter used most often were "depressing/depress" and "scares/scary/scared". It's true that it doesn't matter if you are homosexual or not, the things happening in Uganda are upsetting and wrong. I believe that what's right is to consider homosexuality as part of the nature, and do not respect LGBT people less for their sexual identity, 'cause there's nothing wrong with them. I know so far I haven't done much for this course, but I believe that all the knowing and concern will grow, and be actually useful one day.


同性恋的禁地The Worlds Worst Place to Be Gay(2011)



主演:Scoot Mills / 

导演:未知编剧:Scoot Mills