
也许每个国家都是一样,凡是涉及揭露自己国家黑 暗一面的剧影、纪录片等,都会被强硬抵 制。而大凡涉及揭露他国、尤其是敌对国黑暗的一面,都会得到官 方的纵容和庇护。对于那些深入险境,勇敢拍摄现实的摄影记者和自由职业者们,您们辛苦了。他们的作品,肯定带有他们的视角和价值观。要如何评判纪录片中所展露的事实和真相,作为观众的我们是否是不可能的?但无论怎样,只要是没有后期恶 意篡改过的影像、只要是真实记录下当时发生的事实,这份影音资料就是一份崭新的视角。

不知道看我微博的你们,有多少人看过《海豚湾》这部美国拍摄的纪录片?记得第一次看的时候很感动,被那些敢作敢当的英雄主义而感动。并且十分震惊就连大多数日本民众自身都不了解的某些地区和国民其残 酷的仪式。

这部2017年 BBC Three 拍摄的《日 本未 成 年 色 情 交 易 Stacey Dooley Investigates - Young Sex for Sale in Japan》 纪录片由Stacey Dooley亲身揭露了日本依然十分猖 獗的未 成年色 情 化现象。纪录片的一开始她就遭到了街头少女的保镖和警察的不公平待遇。我猜她可能已经上了日本海 关的观 察 名 单 甚至黑 名 单 中了。自从3 1 1以来,日本对于外 媒更加敏 感。日本的言论和媒体 自 由也大幅地下降。维护国家安稳政经富足 vs. 坚持自由正义真实人权面前,你会如何选择?

Stacey最初拍摄街边的那些女孩完全是她的自由。那些女孩既然已经站在街头在接 客了,那里也属于公共街道,女孩本身也没有反对被拍摄,为什么Stacey没有拍摄的自由?为什么日本的警 察要强制她删除影音?拍摄日本美好的就可以,黑暗的就羞耻?

Stacey担心那些看上去18岁都未到的女孩是否被一群很像流 氓的男人控制着?如果这样的话,难道警察不应该介入和保护那些女孩,防止她们被迫去做自己不愿也无法说不的事情吗?Stacey很焦虑,因为那些女孩连判断是非的能力,说不的能力都没有,被迷 奸、诱 奸、轮 奸、患艾 滋、被迫堕 胎的可能性是那么高,她能不焦虑吗?而且政府的监管和执法力度是如此得弱。此现象已经被日本大众社会合理接受了那么多年,背后说不定还有大佬和政 府的勾 结撑 腰剥 削荼 毒女性!

日本大概有300多所JK Cafe(JK是日文 高中女生 的缩写),雇佣大约5000名15岁左右的女生在那些咖啡店合法工作。几乎所有客人的年龄都要比女生们大很多,男客人也承认大多都在和女生讨论有关男女方面的话题。Stacey问那位男客人,为什么他不和自己同年龄的女性一起聊天,却宁愿花费很多金钱和时间与比自己年龄小很多的女性聊并不适合那些女生的早熟话题?那位男客人的回答是这是日本的文化,不是日本人的话是不太好理解的,日本人心中的年龄差与性的看法与他国人是不一样的。

她采访的一位男客人英文不错,用英文向Stacey介绍了他喜欢的一个女生。当Stacey问他为什么喜欢她时,他说因为她很能假装清纯、分寸拿捏得当(play coy)、看上去也很单纯,但其实对色 情的话题还颇为老练(客人会问她今天有没有XX)。客人还说自己50岁了,女孩在他眼里是可爱也性感的。目前未成年所以还不能合法有性行为,但是18岁以后也许就不一样了,不过这些也不过只是他自己的幻想而已。

" Japan has a serious problem with the sexualisation of children. From bars where men pay to meet schoolgirls to suggestive pictures of very young children and comic books featuring child rape, the country has faced global criticism for its attitudes. It was only three years ago (2014) that possessing genuine child pornography was finally made illegal.
  Stacey Dooley, one of BBC Three’s most popular documentary-makers fronts another powerful, hard-hitting investigation when she travels to Tokyo, Japan to look into what effect the law banning child porn has had and to see if the attitude towards the sexualisation of children has changed.
  Stacey discovers a culture where sexual images of young girls are widespread and used for commercial gain. Her first stop is a legal Tokyo ‘JK’ café in which high-school aged girls are paid to provide company to older men – who tell her that it is perfectly normal to talk about sex and hold hands with girls as young as 15 dressed in school uniform.
  Stacey uncovers an even more disturbing legal grey area exists in Japan called ‘Chako Ero’ where children as young as six are filmed or photographed in erotic clothing. She speaks to a producer of these films as well as a self-confessed paedophile to try and discover just why some Japanese culture seems to encourage inappropriate exploitation and sexualisation of children.
  Following the law change, the documentary examines what else Japan is doing to stop normalising the sexualisation of children. Stacey meets volunteers from a charity trying to help vulnerable girls, as well as the Head of the Juvenile Section at the National Police to find what they are doing to protect young girls."
最讽刺的是,一个拍摄色 情画报的制片人最小的拍摄过6岁的女孩,女孩的母亲也在场用玩具引诱她。他自己有一个16岁的女儿,当Stacey问他如果你的女儿也被如此拍摄,你会怎么想?他说极端点说,自己会杀了女儿然后自己自杀。所有幕后的工作者都是男性,都不愿透露身份!日本警察每年只抓获37名收藏此类书,但是英国同样时段内抓获了5000+名。执法的力度完全不一样!
2017年 BBC Three 拍摄的《日 本未 成 年 色 情 交 易 Stacey Dooley Investigates - Young Sex for Sale in Japan》(总结和讨论 II)


关于是否该禁止性 化未 成年的 色 情 漫 画?长期把这些色 情 漫 画翻译成英文的一位男士这么说:你可以批判这些对某些人来说非常色 情的画面,但是批 判和禁止是不一样的。1. 这里面是虚构的,不是现实生活。现实生活中没有真正的孩子受到伤害。2. 如果禁止的话,漫画家和作家会辩驳自己的言论自由遭到了限制。3. 这些作品是作为现实中各类无法实现梦想(近 亲 交 配、让女 童做XX等)的一种替代品,可以防止恋 童 癖 在现实中实施对孩子的实际伤害,这是一种发泄、一种享受禁 忌事物的自由。

但Stacey担心的是这些被大众正当化并习惯了的的色 情 漫画是否会更进一步地刺激那些恋 童 癖?终有一天,他们或许会不再满足虚幻的幻想,而想要付诸实际行动。那时就会出现或许本可以避免的受害人。欲望是应该被纵容来期待他们会自我缓解?还是应该强硬克制以免滋生或防范可能悲剧的发生?

色 情 文 化(包括性化儿童),一直都植根在日本大和的文化和民族性(尤其是雄性)中。要一下子被根除是不可能的,而日本政府更不会花大力气在这个改革上因为他们有更多的国内外优先事务需要处理。日本这个由来已久的根源要一下子根除势必会影响到一批人。如果这些人是什么都没有的暴 民,那么失去了经济来源就会引起动 乱。如果这些人是大佬,那更是不可能动。这个文化已渗透到日本各个阶层就更复杂。而且日本男人大多善于隐忍,表面很平静自制,但内心那种变态剥开是很骇人的。日本的大部分男性,从小浸润在这样被默许甚至鼓励和纵容的环境下,欲望早已累积和膨胀到了一定程度。但是这样危险的思想荼毒和放任主义不能每次都用文化差异的理由来搪塞。而日本的一部分女性也同样被荼毒和放任着。
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Stacey采访的一位恋童癖是如此为自己申明的(请注意他的说辞,颇有自己的逻辑和条理):“我想象她(娃娃)是10岁左右。她(玩偶)是我的安慰,一直在我的房间里。我们会拥抱,做那种事,有时会发生性 关 系。因为这个玩偶有一个洞,所以戴个套就可以直接插 进去。把娃娃的衣服脱下时,我可能会 勃 起。因为充气娃娃是不能洗的,所以做的时候裸 体不太好清洁,但是如果射在衣服上会很好清洗。如果合法的话,我会想和孩子XX,但是得得到小孩的同意。举个例子,同性恋也是存在的,但也有同性恋不合法的国家。同理,恋 童 癖也是存在的,也有禁止恋 童的国家。首先我想说明恋 童 癖的意思是喜欢儿童的人。喜欢一样东西或人就代表其具有威胁是错误的。对小孩有威胁的人是那些猥 亵小孩的人。恋 童 癖和猥 亵儿童的人是不一样的。我希望社会可以接受最真实的自然的我。如果这是现实,这个娃娃是一个真实的孩子,是否决定要发生XX,这应该是由我来做决定的,会考虑到她的生理发育和她的需求、以及她是否喜欢我。当我看小孩的时候我会看她们的胸,我会被平 胸吸引。她们太青涩,不能生育。这种不完美是她们的吸引力之一。我只有在超市看到过小孩,但是我根本不可能和她们有深入接触。” Stacey觉得最可怕的地方是对方完全不认为自己的想法是不健康的,是病态的,是需要治疗的。他完全认可包容自己、正当化、合理化自己的想法,并诠释为喜欢和爱。
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韩寒以前曾经写文夸过他十分欣赏的某位日本 女 优,并坦言自己对A*片研究得很彻底,那时他还没有女儿。我当时就觉得颇为讽刺,很想问问他:

1.如果你的女儿自己选择要成为Ax片女 优,你会支持她吗?如果不支持,为什么?如果反对,为什么你却支持其他女 优?你的立场是?
3.你会在女儿的成长过程中向她灌输看A*片的快 爽感,以此来降低女儿对于自己热衷A*片的厌恶感吗?
6.你说“女孩漂亮最重要是天生的,聪明可以由你来教育。” 如果女儿选择成长为一个靠外表来入世并且拒绝聪明的人呢?
8.你会让女儿知道自己是别国A×片女 优的忠实粉丝?
(总结和讨论 III)

1. 如果你的女儿、侄女、孙女、母亲、姐妹等被作为漫画中的人物模特,你的立场是?
2. 如果她们被看了这些漫画的人羞 辱、强 奸、监 禁、造成永久性身心伤害的话,你还会继续翻译和贩卖这些书籍吗?
3. 如果你的儿子、侄子、孙子、叔叔、舅舅、兄弟、父亲、爷爷等沉溺于此类漫画,你的反应是?
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Stacey:"Some of this has been drawn for a certain type of person. I believe, I feel. For example, this image would be totally illegal in the UK because you can describe it as being grotesque, it's a childlike image, taking part in a sexual act. She looks to me four years old, biting the pubic hair of a man(男 人的阴 毛) that clearly looks much older. Why do the childlike female characters often have to emulate toddlers and why do the male images always have to be so dominant and far older?"

Dan:"The combination of the dashing male coupled with the innocent female that is a very common motif within Japanese Manga."

Stacey:"I mean, he doesn't look like a dashing male to me. He looks like a child abuser."

Dan:"I can't see his face, so I can't say."

Stacey:"Well, the way he's got his grown man hand near her vagina suggests that. Is this child pornography?"

Dan:"That's a very loaded question to ask, because one, pornography implies that it's illegal. Two, child pornography, at least by the broader definition, of what is most offensive about it, is the fact that (actual) children are involved. So there's a lot of debate about this, because there is a child being harmed on one hand, and then there's a depiction of a child being harmed, and there's a big difference between the two."

Stacey:"No actual child was harmed when they made this publication. I totally accept that. They are two separate things. But do you worry that images like this encourage and perhaps normalize child abuse?"

Dan:"Some authors will create this kind of material to address child abuse issues. Now some people would like to consume this kind of stuff because it plays out a fantasy they have and they want to keep it separate from real life. So it's a good venting mechanism. "

Stacey:"So you are saying that there's every chance a paedophile or somebody an individual who would like to abuse a child would perhaps be tempted to look at content like this as opposed to acting out his fantasy with a real child?"

Dan:"I am not saying that doesn't happen. But at the same time there are a lot of people that enjoy this kind of stuff because it is absurd, it is just a way to enjoy something that can't happen."

Stacey:"But it does happen. These kids, or real-life children need protecting, right?"

Dan:"Real-life children need protection. Drawing lines of ink on paper do not."

Stacey:"My concern would be that this does encourage and normalize real-life child abuse."

Dan:"If you start saying creations of the mind can influence people's behavior and those creations should be held responsible as opposed to the people that are actually doing them. That's thought policing (思 想 管 制). "

Stacey:"Are you saying you can't see any relationship whatsoever between the two?"

Dan:"I'm not saying there are no relationships between them, but there's a big difference between them. One is fiction and one is real life. Now there's nothing wrong with criticizing this type of material, that's perfectly fine. But there should be a big difference between criticizing and banning it."

Stacey:"You're saying that it's totally acceptable for people to want to buy publications where it looks like a toddler is being raped or sometimes gang raped(轮 奸)?"

Dan:"It's offensive to many people, but at the same time it's the art style is one thing, and the subject matter is completely another thing."

日本未成年色情交易Stacey Dooley Investigates - Young Sex for Sale in Japan(2017)

又名:日本JK咖啡厅:女高中生和老男人们 / 日本:用来出卖的少年情色 / 在日本,那些可以被买卖的儿童色情


主演:史黛丝·杜丽 / 

导演:BBC / 
