


他们的名字:Peter Staley, Mark Harrington, Garance Franke-Ruta, Jim Eigo, Gregg Bordowitz, David Barr, Spencer Cox, Gregg Gonsalves, Ann Northrop, Bill Bahlman, Larry Kramer, Iris Long

片中的作家Larry Kramer所著的戏剧The Normal Heart会翻拍成电影(http://movie.douban.com/subject/6776051/)


"When future generations ask what we did in the war, we have to be able to tell them that we were out here fighting. And we have to leave a legacy to the generations of people who will come after us. Remember that someday the AIDS crisis will be over. And when that day has come and gone, There will be a people alive on this earth, gay people and straight people, black people and white people, men and women, who will hear the story that, once there was a terrible disease and that a brave group of people stood up and fought. And in some cases died, so that others might live and be free. "

瘟疫求生指南How to Survive a Plague(2012)


主演:Peter Staley / 拉里·克莱默 / Iris Long / 比尔·克林顿 / Matthew Ebert / 

导演:大卫·弗朗斯 / 编剧:大卫·弗朗斯 David France/Todd Woody Richman