
キュ • 瘟疫求生指南:记录

3,HIV刚流行起来时的猖獗程度很惊人,仅是几十年前,人们还没有safe sex的概念。不知道是不是HIV的流行警示了人们要戴套?
5,他们protest FDA的时候,说欧洲approve一种药品只要9个月,而美国要7-10年。觉得美国政府完全可以加快速度研发药物。可是研发还要时间啊,即使有足够的人手足够政府拨款,哪是想研究出来就能出成果的……
6,我觉得从这个片子的角度看,政府完全没作为。但这是不可能的吧,任何infectous decease猖獗起来政府都不可能坐视不管的,片子一开始略偏激了
男1: I see the pink triangle on your shirt. I gather that you are a homosexual.
2: Yes.
1: Looking at the camera, what would you tell some kids who also might have homosexual tendencies? What would you tell them if you wanted them to live long lives?
2: Use a condom, and also use a lubricant BTW that has the medicine...
1: This is Russian Roulette!
2: This is not Russian Roulette. It is Russian Roulette to not give people this info when human nature dictates that they are gonna go out there and have sex.
1: You mean celibacy is impossible?
2: It is just not gonna work. Poeple are not gonna do it, and lots, lots of people are gonna die. Now whoud you rather have a lot of people cheating on tehir celibacy with thousands of people dying or would you rather save those lives and let them have sex?

瘟疫求生指南How to Survive a Plague(2012)


主演:Peter Staley / 拉里·克莱默 / Iris Long / 比尔·克林顿 / Matthew Ebert / 

导演:大卫·弗朗斯 / 编剧:大卫·弗朗斯 David France/Todd Woody Richman