编剧牛逼,导演牛逼,主演牛逼。忠实原著,又和原著有差异。感觉Flossie个人风格很强烈啊。色彩镜头剪辑太出彩。Those vintage bold colors!
二刷细节全懂。政治、殖民史、恐怖主义,舞台。最讽刺的是,其实最后是英国搅屎导致事态失控败露Khalil 被杀。
Charlie and Michel, Charlie and Gadi, Charlie and Khalil 三条感情线,相互穿插,互相refer,Charlie 最后还能保持清醒(在剧里)But as we can rightfully doubt, did Charlie sleep with Khalil because of her obedience to the operation and loyalty to Gadi? Because of her guilt? Did she protect him because of the guilt? Because of her desire for peace and her unwillingness for anyone to die, most of all for this decent man so alike Gadi?
还有一个细节,第三集 Charlie 问 Rachel, Gadi 前妻 did she jump or was she pushed, Rachel 说 jumped; 第四集 Charlie 自投罗网以后 Marty 对 Gadi 说 it was YOU who PUSHED her onto that plane, no one else... you wanted autonomy, this is autonomy. 所以这就是 free will 么 lol 戏剧人生造化弄人啊(前妻是不是可以拍个前传了喂)
原声也很有意思,在夜游雅典卫城之前,Charlie早上收音机就已经在听Moonlight over the Acropolis了哈哈
关于mastermind Marty:有点法斯宾德的 Welt am Draht,有点楚门的世界:you live in a fiction that politics has shaped and you aren’t always aware of. In the end the fiction becomes real and only the fiction is real. Unlike the series, in the book poor Charlie really couldn't distinguish the two any more which is more tragic: "for peace, for Michel, for Palestine; for Joseph and Khalil; for Marty and the revolution and for Isreal, and for the theater of the real" - or maybe, only for the theater of the real.
关于Terror is theatre: isn't it still nowadays? "Terror is theatre. We inspire, we frighten, we awaken indignation, anger, love. We enlighten. The theater also." Maybe fiction in general does this. But terror is indeed the worst means because it turns nightmares into reality. Can they choose other means pls? 比如印度上世纪的非暴力不合作
关于Charlie在睡了Gadi之后勇往直前的动机:"a love that did not advance could never renew itself; it could only slump into the pit of mediocrity" - 这才是我们不甘平庸的 adventurous Charlie!剧里的 Love is the antidote to death 只是一方面(关于 pleasure is the antidote to death这句话由 Gadi 而不是 Khalil 说出来,我觉得电视剧改编的很好 because easier to sympathize with Khalil the terrorist and making Gadi less bloody abstinent)
关于bibliography: In the book, Marty's literature research includes, "at the hard end, Fanon, Guevara, and Marighella; at the soft, Debray, Sartre, and Marcuse" (selective representation in the series). 如果说 Conversations with Allende 体现的是 Charlie 的理想主义,那莎翁的 As you like it 就是传统意义上的点题:
All the world's a stage
And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances
And one man in his time plays many parts

女鼓手The Little Drummer Girl(2018)


主演:弗洛伦丝·皮尤 / 亚历山大·斯卡斯加德 / 迈克尔·珊农 / 迈克尔·穆索诺夫 / 西蒙娜·布朗 / 克莱尔·霍尔曼 / 凯特·萨普特 / 根纳迪·弗赖舍尔 / 

导演:朴赞郁 / 编剧:约翰·勒·卡雷 John le Carré/迈克尔·莱斯利 Michael Lesslie/克莱尔·威尔森 Claire Wilson
