To-day the deliberate increase in the Chances of death,
the conscious acceptence of guilt in the neccessary murder;
To-day the expending of powers
on the flat ephemeral pamphlat and the boring meeting.
Auden"Spain 1937"
Fredric Jameson在"政治无意识"里说,后现代社会的典型特征是大家失去了原则和理想,对与错失去了明确的界限,他举例说,当年全世界的进步知识分子都以实际行动乃至生命捍卫西班牙革命,这在今天是不可想象的.那些学院里座谈"异化","宰制"的人,享受奢侈生活,在大家看来,政治领域只有"意见",没有"真理",谁会为一点点意见分歧去蹲战壕,冒着枪林弹雨,忍着虱子老鼠呢!
这部电影可以说绝大部分内容来自于GEORGE OWELL的Homoge to CATOLONIA,OWELL 经过这一场虎口脱险,可以说是看破红尘了,后来写的举世闻名的反集权主义小说,都带着愤世嫉俗的痛苦,他想到自己的同志战友屈死异国,尸骨未寒,还要遭到谎言羞辱,被污蔑为叛徒:
Your name and your deeds were forgotten
Before your bones were dry,
And the lie that slew you is buried
Under a deeper lie;
But the thing that I saw in your face
No power can disinherit:
No bomb that ever burst
Shatters the crystal spirit
面包会有的,牛奶会有的,土地与自由也会有的"our day will come"
影片末尾DAVID孙女朗诵了祖父最喜爱的一段诗歌,来自十九世纪英国社会主义者William Morris,查到全诗,贴如下(她读的在倒数第二段):
Come hither lads and hearken,
for a tale there is to tell,
Of the wonderful days a-coming, when all
shall be better than well.

And the tale shall be told of a country,
a land in the midst of the sea,
And folk shall call it England
in the days that are going to be.

There more than one in a thousand
in the days that are yet to come,
Shall have some hope of the morrow,
some joy of the ancient home.

For then, laugh not, but listen,
to this strange tale of mine,
All folk that are in England
shall be better lodged than swine.

Then a man shall work and bethink him,
and rejoice in the deeds of his hand,
Nor yet come home in the even
too faint and weary to stand.

Men in that time a-coming
shall work and have no fear
For to-morrow's lack of earning
and the hunger-wolf anear.

I tell you this for a wonder,
that no man then shall be glad
Of his fellow's fall and mishap
to snatch at the work he had.

For that which the worker winneth
shall then be his indeed,
Nor shall half be reaped for nothing
by him that sowed no seed.

O strange new wonderful justice!
But for whom shall we gather the gain?
For ourselves and for each of our fellows,
and no hand shall labour in vain.

Then all Mine and all Thine shall be Ours,
and no more shall any man crave
For riches that serve for nothing
but to fetter a friend for a slave.

And what wealth then shall be left us
when none shall gather gold
To buy his friend in the market,
and pinch and pine the sold?

Nay, what save the lovely city,
and the little house on the hill,
And the wastes and the woodland beauty,
and the happy fields we till;

And the homes of ancient stories,
the tombs of the mighty dead;
And the wise men seeking out marvels,
and the poet's teeming head;

And the painter's hand of wonder;
and the marvellous fiddle-bow,
And the banded choirs of music:
all those that do and know.

For all these shall be ours and all men's
nor shall any lack a share
Of the toil and the gain of living
in the days when the world grows fair.

Ah! such are the days that shall be!
But what are the deeds of to-day,

In the days of the years we dwell in,
that wear our lives away?
Why, then, and for what are we waiting?
There are three words to speak;
WE WILL IT, and what is the foeman
but the dream-strong wakened and weak?

O why and for what are we waiting?
while our brothers droop and die,
And on every wind of the heavens
a wasted life goes by.

How long shall they reproach us
where crowd on crowd they dwell,
Poor ghosts of the wicked city,
the gold-crushed hungry hell?

Through squalid life they laboured,
in sordid grief they died,
Those sons of a mighty mother,
those props of England's pride.

They are gone; there is none can undo it,
nor save our souls from the curse;
But many a million cometh,
and shall they be better or worse?

It is we must answer and hasten,
and open wide the door
For the rich man's hurrying terror,
and the slow-foot hope of the poor.

Yea, the voiceless wrath of the wretched,
and their unlearned discontent,
We must give it voice and wisdom
till the waiting-tide be spent.

Come, then, since all things call us,
the living and the dead,
And o'er the weltering tangle
a glimmering light is shed.

Come, then, let us cast off fooling,
and put by ease and rest,
For the Cause alone is worthy
till the good days bring the best.

Come, join in the only battle
wherein no man can fail,
Where whoso fadeth and dieth,
yet his deed shall still prevail.

Ah! come, cast off all fooling,
for this, at least, we know:
That the Dawn and the Day is coming,
and forth the Banners go.

土地与自由Land and Freedom(1995)



主演:伊恩·哈特 / 罗塞娜·派斯特 / 伊西亚尔·博利亚因 / 

导演:肯·洛奇 / 编剧:Jim Allen