
2、马童Luis:I dont like the way he look at the horses.

3、Claire:Obsessing is aweful.Hope never it happens to you.

4、Ray:You're always beautiful,but so ambitious.
Claire:I prefer determined.

5、Jess:Passions are like maps.Take me,for example.Carolyn was the thing that made me me.Nothing will change that.Take you.The way you keep thinking about Claire.It's a lost cause.But you don't give up.Passion always wins.(Take him.)So I will be here every night from now on.He'll come here.(Jess的理智逻辑和感性)
Ray:Kind of a long shot.

6、Are you the guys who took my comic book?

7、Ray:You both worked for a liar.
Jess:That's the trouble you with.You think that matters.

8、Ray:Truth is,it's probably better I didnt ask you to come with me.This way,I got to spend the next 13 years pretending that you might have actually said yes.And I did.(cheek kiss).Good night.
Claire:Would you be careful?Be careful,okay?

9、Jess:Officer down.

10、Jess:Don't you ever,ever say her name again.

11、Claire:We blew it,didn't we?

12、Ellis:Sure,move him in.He's been living here for the last 12 years anyway.I'm going to bed.
Claire:I told you he understood me.

13、Jess:Truth is,he wasnt that hard to find.Eventually,he did come to that bar,like I always said he would.

14、Jess:It's the weirdest thing,when you're on your way to do something,but you're not sure you actually gonna go through with it.Like reading a book,only you're the person that you're reading about.And you watch yourself do it.

15、Jess:Reliving it,wondering if you could've stopped it.That's no way to live.

16、Ray:Was this better?
Jess:What do you think?
Ray:I think you look a million years old.

17、Claire:I always thought if this one was over,it would feel like it was over.
Ray:Maybe it's been over a long time.We just never knew it.

18、Jess:Life sentence,right?(限制自由)
Ray:For you,too.

谜一样的双眼Secret in Their Eyes(2015)

又名:谜情追凶(港) / 沉默的双眼(台) / 他们眼中的秘密


主演:妮可·基德曼 / 朱莉娅·罗伯茨 / 迈克尔·凯利 / 迪恩·诺里斯 / 切瓦特·埃加福 / 琳登·史密斯 / 佐伊·格瑞艾姆 / 乔·科尔 / 唐·哈维 / 罗斯·帕特里奇 / 约翰·帕帕席德拉 / 

导演:比利·雷 / 编剧:比利·雷 Billy Ray/爱德华多·萨切里 Eduardo Sacheri
