Page 2Everyday life of the nun, intercutting with the old footage where the girl became a nun when she was young. Voice over by the death row prisoner, writing to the nun.
Page 6The nun goes to the prison and visits the prison priest.
Page 8The nun refuses to wear the nun’s uniform to gain respect. All she has is her loving heart and her sincerity toward the prisoner.
Page 9Conversation with the prisoner, who asks for the nun’s help. (OPPORTUNITY: MEETING WITH THE PRISONER)
Page 14The nun is remembering how she hits a dog with a stick when she was little until she is pulled over by a police. (OPPORTUNITY SPURS MEMORY: THE NUN IS NOT A SAINT EITHER. SHE KILLED A DOG WHEN SHE WAS YOUNG.)
Page 15The nun reads the court transcript and watches the TV news about the crime. (NEW SITUATION IS THAT THE NUN TRIES TO HELP THE PRISONER.)
Page 16The nun discusses the case with a pro bono attorney and the possible unfairness of the sentencing.
Page 17The nun watches the governor is on TV, talking about getting tough on the crimes until the prisoner calls her for help because he is going to be executed soon. Also on the TV, the victim’s family is very angry.
Page 18The nun drives a defense attorney to see the prisoner. And they try to convince him to let his mom to appear in front of the pardon board.
Page 21The nun has fun with the black kids at home and sings with blessings at the black people’s church.
Page 22Goes to see the prisoner’s mother, who is speculative at first, but soon opens up by the nun’s sincerity. She talks about how difficult her and her family’s life is because of the crime that her son committed.
Page 24Having dinner with her rich family, the nun is being questioned about whether she should spend time with the children preventing them from going to prison or to comfort the victims’ families.
Page 26The prisoner talks about his fond memories with his father. They exchange stories of their families. And also what they think intimacy is.
Page 28The mother appears at the pardon board and cries nonstop. The defense attorney does a great job at explaining the culpability of execution.
Page 33The nun meets the victims’ families and conflict ensures. And the pardon has been denied. (CHANGE OF PLAN: THE NUN STARTS TO REALIZE THAT THE VICTIMS’ FAMILIES ALSO NEED HELP.)
Page 36The nun goes to see the victim boy’s family, who tells her how sad he is about the loss of his boy and how his marriage suffers because of the different ways he and his wife deal with the loss. (THE PROGRESS IS ABOUT CONNECTING WITH THE VICTIMS’ FAMILY AND SPIRITUALLY GUIDING THE PRISONER.)
Page 41The nun discusses with the prisoner priest about becoming a spiritual guide for the death row prisoner. And the nun talks with the prisoner about reading the Bible and being a racist.
Page 44Conflict outside of the prison between the religious people and the people who are for the death penalty.
Page 45The nun talks about the burial service for the prisoner with his friend in the car, making jokes about how a nun shops for a man’s suit.
Page 46The nun goes to visit the female victim’s family, who explains to her what happened from the beginning to the end. But when the nun tells them that she is still going to be the prisoner’s spiritual advisor, the family gets so angry that they ask the nun to leave.
Page 54The nun is stunned when she watches the prisoner talking about how he admires Hitler on TV. The org against the death penalty is short staffed and a lot of conflicts because of it. The nun tells the prisoner that he is stupid to say what he said. (THE RISE OF ONE OF THE ANTAGONISTS: THE PRISONER’S CONTROVERSIAL REMARKS)
Page 58The black children alienate the nun for helping a racist, which puts a lot of pressure on the nun. (THE RISE OF ONE OF THE ANTAGONISTS: THE LACK OF UNDERSTANDING FROM THE NEIGHBORHOOD)
Page 61The male victim’s dad tells the bereavement group that he and his wife are divorced because of the loss of the child. The nun plays the hideous crime in her head. (THE RISE OF ONE OF THE ANTAGONISTS: THE SUFFERING OF THE VICTIMS’ FAMILY)
Page 63The prisoner is about to be executed and has been transferred to a separate room. The nun again tries to explain to the prisoner how Jesus faced his death alone. (PHYSICAL POINT OF NO RETURN FOR THE PRISONER)
Page 66The nun talks to a prisoner guard and also the prisoner priest about their different views about the death penalty. During which time, the nun fainted and gets to meet the nurse who is going to conduct the execution. (EMOTIONAL POINT OF NO RETURN FOR THE NUN)
Page 70The next day, the prisoner is pissed that he had to spend the whole day alone after being measured for the size of his coffin. The prisoner is under a lot of stress but the nun is still trying to teach him more about the bible.
Page 75The defense attorney fails to convince the governor to interfere.
Page 76The nun is also under a lot of stress and has a dream at her mom’s place. She dreams about how the prisoner and victim are with her family. But her mother comforts her by telling her the childhood story of how strong a mother can be when her kid is in danger. I think it could be a metaphor for not to worry, but to let God take care of his son.
Page 78Speaking to the prisoner again. The prisoner talks about wanting to stay conscious and looks at death in the eye. And he asks the nun to stay with him till the end. They talk about the prospect of the specifics during the execution.
Page 79While the prisoner takes a lie detective test, one of the prisoner guard questions the nun for what she is doing here. They argue about what the Bible says about the death penalty.
Page 80Last visit of the family while the prisoner guards rehearse the execution procedure. The prisoner is having a good time with the family until his mom reminds him of his imminent death. After that, the whole family has nothing to say but to wait till the end of the visit. They say goodbye and the mom can’t even hug his son for the last time.
Page 86The nun and the prisoner alone again. Only a few hours before the execution. They talk about the truth of the crime. The nun tries to convince the prisoner to take responsibility for what he has done instead of blaming everybody else. And the appeal court turns the prisoner down. (EVERYTHING IS PHYSICALLY LOST)
Page 90The nun falls apart in the bathroom, praying, trying to stay strong for the prisoner. (EVERYTHING IS EMOTIONALLY LOST.)
Page 91The prisoner calls home for the last time. The nun can’t take it while other witnesses outside are enjoying the food.
Page 95In the last minute, the prisoner admits to the nun that he was a victim and he couldn’t stand up to the real bad guy who killed the kids. And he admits that he prayed for the victims last night. And he has found love at last from the nun. (FINAL PUSH)
Page 98The nun sings to the prisoner, giving him the courage.
Page 102The prisoner collapses when the time comes. But the nun goes to comfort him with the fact that he has known the truth and she will be the face of love for him before the prisoner dies.
Page 103The nun read the Bible for the prisoner. And she meets the angry parents again at the execution room.
Page 106In his last words, the prisoner admits his responsibility to the victims’ family and declares that killing is wrong, no matter who does it.
Page 108The nun sees the prisoner off with love on her face, while the crime replays for one last time. When the prisoner dies, the victims appear.
Page 111They are all victims.
Page 112The prisoner’s funeral where the victim’s family is there, although he doesn’t know why he is there.
Page 113The nun comes back to the black neighborhood and he has found support from the kids again. He prays with the victim’s family together in the church. There is hope.
Page 116The end.

死囚漫步Dead Man Walking(1995)

又名:死囚168小时(港) / 越过死亡线(台) / 死囚上路


主演:苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon/西恩·潘 Sean Penn/罗伯特·普罗斯基 Robert Prosky/雷蒙德·J·巴里 Raymond J. Barry/李·厄米 R. Lee Ermey/彼得·萨斯加德 Peter Sarsgaard/杰克·布莱克 Jack Black

导演:Tim Robbins编剧:Tim Robbins
