A good sherry sack hath a two-fold operation in it.It ascends me
into the brain,dries me there all the foolish and dull and curdy vapours which environ it,makes it apprehensive,quick,full of nimble fiery and delectable shapes,which,delivered o'er to the voice-the tongue-becomes excellent wit. (一杯上好的白葡萄酒有两重的作用,它升上头脑把包围在头脑四周的一切愚蠢沉闷混浊的乌烟瘴气一起驱散,使它变得敏悟机灵 ,才思奋发,充满了活泼热烈而有趣的意象,把这意象形之唇舌,便是绝妙的辞锋。)
The second property of your excellent sherry is the warming of the blood ,which,before cold and settled,left the liver white and pale,which is the badge of pusillanimity and cowardice.But the sharry warms and makes it course from the inwards to the parts extreme.It illumineth the face,which as a beacom gives warning to all the rest of this little kingdom,man,to arm and then the vital commoners and inland petty spirits muster me all to their captain the heart who ,great and puffed up with this retinue,doth any deed of courage.(好白葡萄酒的第二重作用,就是使血液温暖,一个人的血液本来是冰冷而静止的,他的肝脏显得苍白的颜色,那正是孱弱和怯懦的标记。可是白葡萄酒会使血液发生热力使它从内部畅流到全身各处。叫人的脸上发出光来,那就像一把烽火一样通知他全身这一个小小的王国里的所有人民武装起来,适处要冲的或者深居内地的细民,贱隶都会集合在他们的主帅心灵的麾下,那主帅拥有这样雄厚的军力,立刻精神百倍,什么勇敢的事情都做得出来。)
Well,'tis no matter ,honour pricks me on.Yea,but how if honour prick me off when I come on?How then?Can honour set to a leg ?No.Or an arm?No.Or take away the grief of a wound ?NO.Honour hath no skill in surgery ,then?No.What is honour ?A word.What is in that word honour?What is that honour?Air.A trim reckoning.Who hath it ?He that died o'Wednesday.Doth he feel it?No. Doth he hear it ?No.Tis insensilbe,then.Yea,to the dead.But will it not live with the living?No.Why?Detraction will not suffer it .Therefore I'll none of it .Honour is a mere scutcheon.(那没有关系,是荣誉鼓励着我上前的。可是假如当我上前的时候,荣誉把我报销了呢,那又怎么样?荣誉能够替我重装一条腿吗?不能。重装一条手臂吗?不能。能解除伤口的痛楚吗?不能。荣誉懂医术吗?当然不懂。什么是荣誉?一个词。那这个词,荣誉又是什么,究竟是什么?是一股气流,好聪明的算计。谁得到荣誉。他星期三就去世了,他是否又感觉到荣誉呢?没有。他听见荣誉了吗?没有。那么荣誉是无法感知的,对死人来说就是这样。但和活着的人他就能一起共存了吗?不行。为什么?讥笑和毁谤不会容许它的存在。这样说来,我不要什么荣誉。荣誉不过是一块铭旌。)
Fare thee well,great heart.Ill-weaved ambition,how much art thou shrunk.When that this body did contain a spirit,a kingdom for it was
too samll a bound,and now,two paces of the vilest earth is room enough.

亨利四世:第一部分Henry IV, Part 1(2012)

又名:空王冠2 / 虚妄之冠:亨利四世(上) / The Hollow Crown 2


主演:杰瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons/汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston/西蒙·拉塞尔·比尔 Simon Russell Beale/艾伦·阿姆斯特朗 Alun Armstrong/米歇尔·道克瑞 Michelle Dockery/朱丽·沃特斯 Julie Walters/哈里·劳埃德 Harry Lloyd/大卫·道森 David Dawson/乔·阿姆斯特朗 Joe Armstrong/玛克辛·皮克 Maxine Peake

导演:理查德·艾尔 Richard Eyre编剧:威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare/理查德·艾尔 Richard Eyre
