The Hitler Experience was made possible as a result of group consciousness. Many people want to say that Hitler manipulated a group—in this case, his countrymen—through the cunning and the mastery of his rhetoric. But this conveniently lays all the blame at Hitler’s feet—which is exactly where the mass of the people want it.
But Hitler could do nothing without the cooperation and support and willing submission of millions of people. The subgroup which called itself Germans must assume an enormous burden of responsibility for the Holocaust. As must, to some degree, the larger group called Humans, which, if it did nothing else, allowed itself to remain indifferent and apathetic to the suffering in Germany until it reached so massive a scale that even the most cold-hearted isolationists could no longer ignore it.
You see, it was collective consciousness which provided fertile soil for the growth of the Nazi movement. Hitler seized the moment, but he did not create it.
It’s important to understand the lesson here. A group consciousness which speaksconstantly of separation and superiority produces loss of compassion on a massive scale, and loss of compassion is inevitably followed by loss of conscience.
A collective concept rooted in strict nationalism ignores the plights of others, yet makes everyone else responsible for yours, thus justifying retaliation, “rectification,” and war.
Auschwitz was the Nazi solution to—an attempt to “rectify”—the “Jewish Problem.”
The horror of the Hitler Experience was not that he perpetrated it on the human race, but that the human race allowed him to.
The astonishment is not only that a Hitler came along, but also that so many others went along.
The shame is not only that Hitler killed millions of Jews, but also that millions of Jews had to be killed before Hitler was stopped.
The purpose of the Hitler Experience was to show humanity to itself.
Hitler was created by you. He arose out of your Collective Consciousness, and could not have existed without it.
Hitler did nothing “wrong.” Hitler simply did what he did. I remind you again that for many years millions thought he was “right.” How, then, could he help but think so?
If you float out a crazy idea, and ten million people agree with you, you might not think you’re so crazy.
The world decided—finally—that Hitler was “wrong.” That is to say, the world’s people made a new assessment of Who They Are, and Who They Chose To Be, in relationship to the Hitler Experience.
He held up a yardstick! He set a parameter, aborder against which we could measure and limit our ideas about ourselves. Christ did the same thing, at the other end of the spectrum.
There have been other Christs, and other Hitlers. And there will be again. Be ever vigilant, then. For people of both high and low consciousness walk among you—even as you walk among others. Which consciousness do you take with you?
希特勒经验之所以可能,是由于群体意识所产生。许多人说希特勒操纵了群体 —— 也就是他的国人 —— 用的方法是他的狡诈和滔滔善辩。但这种说法却是一种方便说法,把一切罪责都推到希特勒身上 —— 这不是人民大众所要的方式。
希特勒经验的可怕,并非在他把此经验加诸于人类身上,而是人类允许他去做 。
令人吃惊的不仅是希特勒的出现,而是还有那么多人同行 。
(译文摘自《與神對話Ⅱ》方智出版社 译者:孟祥森,台湾大学哲学系、辅仁大学哲学研究所毕业,曾任教台湾大学等学府。
