
2011-02-16 10:33:18

Cooper:sit down
Cooper:where did you learn to shoot like that?
Cooper:Beverly hill's gun club?
Sherman:why don't you shut the hell up ,sir ?
Cooper:right in his ten-ring. superb.
Cooper:burn squad just showed up.(新秀登场)
Cooper:you heard of Warner Brothers? This is "warn a brother"(哈哈,亏只有美音才可以这样说了)
Cooper:you don't lie,that's how they get you.(别撒谎,撒谎你就完了)
Cooper:lying is worse than an out-of-police shooting. you just tell it like it happened. you'll be fine. no big deal.
Sherman:taking a life is a big deal to me,okay? (青涩小菜鸟终于开腔了 = =)
Cooper:what the hell did you think the gun was for,huh?(此处的字幕居然有明显错误。。。还好我怎么看怎么觉着语法不对给改过来了)
Cooper:look , you'll get over it. all right,they'll send you to bss.(bss这里翻译的是心理医生?不懂= =)
you'll do all that buddhist"I love and revere all sentient beings" crap.(让你口念阿弥陀佛之类的废话) then at O'dark 30 next time you're up.you'll drag your weary fried ass out of bed.
you'll put on your gun and your vest, and you'll do it all over again . you know why? because it's the front roll seat to the greatest show on earth. can you abuse it? YES SIR. you can, and you will.
I guarantee it. because it is rentless, and it gets to you,and it seems like it changes nothing, but a day like today---with some interesting capers,a few good arrests,that's good.but every once in a while,you get to take a bad guf the streets for good(这句的guf我觉得是不是听错了 == 我觉得这个字幕是听译的T——T 后面那个"for good"是自己听的,原字幕打的是??? = = 求证,中文字幕这句是“你不得不在街头毙掉几个恶棍”)
and that, my friend, is God's work. so now, if you want to be a p*ssy and quit, you quit. You're a cop. because you don't know how not to be one. if you feel that way, you're a cop.if you don't, you're not. you decide.

Cooper这段话霸气了~ 话糟理不糟啊

南城警事 第一季Southland(2009)

又名:洛城警事 / 南国警察 / 南方警察 / LAPD

主演:本·麦肯锡 / 迈克尔·库立兹 / 雷吉娜·金 / 肖恩·海托西 / 凯文·阿历詹卓 / 汤姆·艾弗瑞特·斯科特 / 特雷西·麦克格雷迪 / 

导演:克里斯托弗·查莱克 / 尼尔森·麦科米克 / J·迈克尔·穆罗 / 费利克斯·恩里克斯·阿尔科拉 / 阿利森·安德斯 / 编剧:安·白德曼 Ann Biderman/约翰·威尔斯 John Wells