Best documentary ever! 他像神一样创造奇迹,就像他自己坦言,多次关键时刻他见到了上帝一样充满传奇,最后的离去更是以了史诗般的惨烈让世人扼腕-那似乎是对他再合适不过的离去的方式,就像采访过他上百次的记者忍住哽塞所说的: “ Can you imagine, I mean I would love to see Ayrton with children and grandchildren out on that beach? But can you imagine, hearing that, a news report: Ayrton Senna died of cancer after a long battle at the age of 50? I don’t know. In some poetic, unjust way, it was almost fitting that he died in a race car. ”


又名:极速传奇:冼拿(港) / 车神洗拿(台) / 车神塞纳 / 塞纳


主演:艾尔顿·塞纳 / Alain Prost / Frank Williams / 

导演:阿斯弗·卡帕迪尔 / 编剧:Manish Pandey
