
李超英Chew Een Lee是出生在美国的华裔,祖籍广东,是海军陆战一师7团1营的[机枪排]排长,1950年,李中尉和他的海军陆战队官兵经元山来到了长津湖附近,在飘满大雪的长津湖附近却潜伏了十几万志愿军战士。战斗打响了,李少尉为了自己在军队中的威信,表现的异常勇敢,在夜晚什么也看不见的情况下,他居然跃出掩体胡乱开枪和投手榴弹,目的就是诱使志愿军开枪以暴露他们的火力,结果,误打误撞的李少尉冲到了志愿军的前沿阵地,他用汉语大喊了一声:别开枪,我是中国人。结果趁志愿军发愣的时候,这个李中尉将两个手榴弹都投入了志愿军阵地,天亮后他发现他杀死了很多人。此次行动为他后来赢得海军十字勋章。

关于华裔美军中尉Chew-Een Lee在长津湖战役的所作所为

恰巧,在这“Baker-One-Seven”连里有一位华裔中尉Chew-Een Lee。

在另一本参考书,“Breakout - The Chosin Reservoir Campaign, Korea 1950”(Martin Russ)里,也有关于Chew-Een Lee的记载,特别提到他的父母:

1st Lt. Chew-Een Lee's memory of leaving home remains vivid in his mind nearly half a century later. "I came from a family of limited means. My father, whose Chinese name was Brilliant Scholar, distributed fruit and vegetables to restaurants and hotels in Sacramento. He stayed home from work that morning, and my mother, whose Chinese name was Gold Jade, made a special meal. There was an awkward moment when the clock on the wall said it was time to depart. My mother was very brave. She said nothing. My father had been reading the Chinese newspaper, or pretending to. He was a tough guy, my father, and I admired his toughness. He rose from his chair and shook my hand abruptly. He tried to talk, but couldn't, and that's when my mother broke down. I was the first-born and now I was going away, probably for good. This departure was very difficult for me ... leaving them behind like that, such hardworking people, struggling for survival."

Allan C Bevilacqua在“Korea, 1950: In the cold of far-off northern lands--Chosin”一文也提到身为华裔的Chew Een Lee中尉:

In Capt Myron Wilcox's Baker, 1/7, Lt Chew Een Lee, the first Marine officer of Chinese descent, barreled into the attackers, spraying them with bullets and curses in their native tongue. Shadowing Lee closely was his self-appointed bodyguard, Italian-born Private First Class Attilio Lupacchini, Browning Automatic Rifle barking at any Chinese who offered a threat to the diminutive Lee.

在New Jersey的政府网站,有一页介绍参加“韩战”的亚裔士兵,其中一条是关于当年海军陆战一师7团1营的[机枪排]排长Chew Een Lee中尉[1],说他因功获得一枚海军十字勋章(仅次于MOH):

Chew-Een Lee, the son of Chinese immigrants, first enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1944 and was commissioned a second lieutenant in 1946. Before hostilities broke out in Korea, First Lieutenant Lee served with the 1st battalion, 7th Marines. As a platoon commander in that unit, Lee received America's second highest combat award, the Navy Cross. On Nov. 2–3, 1950, Lee's platoon came under heavy attack. Despite being outnumbered, Lee exposed himself to fire as he personally reconnoitered the area to better re-deploy his machine gun posts within the defensive perimeter. He reorganized his unit and moved up the enemy-held slope. Despite serious wounds, he pressed forward ultimately driving the hostile forces from the area. Lee's brothers also served.

图一:随该网附的Chew-Een Lee照片(U.S. Marine Corps First Lieutenant Chew-Een Lee received America's second highest combat award, the Navy Cross, during the Korean War.)
关于华裔美军中尉Chew-Een Lee在长津湖战役的所作所为


Chew-Een Lee (1926-)生于三藩市(San Francisco),长于萨克拉门托(Sacramento)。根据Chew-Een Lee本人在amazon的叙述,他提到[将]在Smithsonian Institution有一部纪录片“Uncommon Courage -- Breakout at Chosin”,并确认了他在1955年后改称Kurt Chew-Een Lee:

Regarding Mr. Annand's perceptive review, allow me to comment briefly on his reference to me (Lt. Chew Een Lee in Owen's book) that I now go by "Karl" is not correct. My name has been legally changed to Kurt Chew-Een Lee on Marine Corps records in 1955, so I am generally referred to as Major Kurt Lee. Readers may be interested to know that the epic Chosin battle will be immortalized as "Uncommon Courage -- Breakout at Chosin" in a documentary film to be put out in 2010 by the Smithsonian Institution.

图二,“Uncommon Courage -- Breakout at Chosin”(截自Smithsonian Channel)
关于华裔美军中尉Chew-Een Lee在长津湖战役的所作所为

Smithsonian网站所附除录像之外,还有一段 Kurt Chew-Een Lee的介绍 - 说他是“A TRUE AMERICAN HERO”:

In 1950, he led five hundred Marines through a blizzard to save eight thousand more from certain capture. But his greatest victory may have been changing the way our country regards Asian Americans. Meet Lt. Chew-Een Lee, whose patriotism and bravery ushered in a new era in the Marines...and in America. (Special thanks to the City and County of San Francisco)

Major Kurt Chew-Een Lee [行者按,这里是按他最后的军衔称呼 - 1963年升至少校] is the first Chinese-American officer in the history of the United States Marine Corps. Honored for his heroic performance during the Korean War, Lee is a recipient of the Navy Cross, the second highest honor a marine can receive for valor. In an ironic twist of fate, the enemy forces that Lee fought so bravely against shared many of his same cultural values the enemy was the Chinese army.

Born and raised in northern California, Lee is the first-born son of Chinese immigrants. As a first-generation American, Lee says he and his siblings "grew up in an American way, but kept Chinese customs." As a high school student, Lee witnessed the events of World War II and determined to become an honored American soldier joined the Junior ROTC.

During a time when very few minorities were in command, Private Lee rose through the ranks to become a First Lieutenant. Blowing past cultural barriers, he became Commanding Officer of a Machine-Gun Platoon of Company B, First Battalion, Seventh Marines, First Marine Division. His opportunity to earn the respect of his troops and prove his solidarity as an American citizen would soon arise on the rugged mountain ranges of northeast Korea.

Outnumbered by Communist Chinese forces and facing temperatures 20 degrees below zero, Lee boldly exposed himself to enemy fire as he braved the enemy-held slope. His audacious one-man attack forced the Chinese to fire and reveal their battle stations, which gave his platoon the opportunity to capture the base[行者按,这段说他单枪匹马甘冒巨大风险引诱志愿军暴露火力,给自己的同伴创造机会。].

Despite injuries sustained on the battlefield, Lee went on to lead 500 marines on a grueling night mission to save their fellow soldiers, the Fox Company, at the battle of Chosin Reservoir. In a mission unprecedented in Marine Corps history, Lee's company fought for every inch of ground and safely evacuated Fox Company to the Port City of Hungnam. As the first officer of Asian descent to be commissioned in the United States Marine Corps, Lee is not only a pioneer but also a shining example of resolve and courage. Major Lee currently resides in Virginia.

根据有关记录,他在长津湖战役中的表现让他赢得两枚勋章,一枚银星勋章(Silver Star),一枚海军十字勋章(Navy Cross)[3]。

美国总统“银星勋章”颁奖辞(针对November 27,1950~December 8,1950的作战行动)提到:

Although sick and in a weakened condition from a previous combat wound, First Lieutenant Lee refused hospitalization and unflinchingly led his unit across trackless, frozen wastes of rocky mountain ridges toward a beleaguered Marine company. Through his indomitable spirit, he contributed materially to the success of the epic night march of his battalion which resulted in the relief of the isolated Marine unit and the securing of vital ground. On 2 December 1950 when the leading elements of his company were pinned down under intense enemy fire from a rocky hill mass, he skillfully maneuvered his platoon forward in an attack in the face of the heavy fire, personally accounting for two enemy dead and providing such aggressive and inspirational leadership that fire superiority was regained and the enemy was routed. On 8 December 1950, First Lieutenant Lee's platoon was pinned down by intense hostile fire while attacking south on the main service road from Koto-ri. Observing that the heavy fire was inflicting numerous casualties, he exposed himself to the deadly fire to move among his troops, shouting words of encouragement and directing a withdrawal to covered positions. Assured that the last of his wounded was under cover, he was seeking shelter for himself when he was struck down and severely wounded by a burst of enemy machine gun fire.

美国总统“海军十字勋章”颁奖辞(针对November 2~3,1950的作战行动)是这么说的:

Immediately taking countermeasures when a numerically superior enemy force fiercely attacked his platoon and overran its left flank during the defense of strategic terrain commanding approaches to the main supply route south of Sudong, first Lieutenant Lee boldly exposed himself to intense hostile automatic weapons, grenade and sniper small-arms fire to carry out a personal reconnaissance, well in advance of his own lines, in order to re-deploy the machine-gun posts within the defensive perimeter. Momentarily forced back by extremely heavy opposition, he quickly reorganized his unit and, instructing his men to cover his approach, bravely moved up an enemy held slope in a deliberate attempt to draw fire and thereby disclose hostile troop positions. Despite serious wounds sustained as he pushed forward, First Lieutenant Lee charged directly into the face of the enemy fire and, by his dauntless fighting spirit and resourcefulness, served to inspire other members of his platoon to heroic efforts in pressing a determined counterattack and driving the hostile forces from the sector.

图三,Chew-Een Lee获得Navy Cross(“海军十字勋章”)
关于华裔美军中尉Chew-Een Lee在长津湖战役的所作所为

行者顺便查找了asianweek年初对他的采访:“Chinese American Hero: Major Kurt Chew-Een Lee”[4]- 正是在这里,提到了他在华人圈里富有争议的行动:

With the outbreak of the Korean War, Lieutenant Lee found some friction with his new recruits of the machine gun company he commanded by then. Many of them had never seen or spoken to a Chinese man and saw all Asians as the enemy. Lieutenant Lee was also resented for his strict and intense training regimen. However, once his unit entered the war, the troops witnessed his leadership and bravery in battle. “Certainly, I was never afraid,” he says. “Perhaps the Chinese are all fatalists. I never expected to survive the war. So I was adamant that my death be honorable, be spectacular.”[行者按,这是他开战前的心态。]

In September 1950, Lieutenant Lee and his Marines landed in Inchon, South Korea along with other UN forces and began to push the North Koreans back northwards. The People’s Republic of China had just intervened and begun sending troops to support the North Koreans and engage American and UN forces in combat. It was on the night of November 2nd that the young officer proved his bravery and silenced many of those who doubted his loyalty. The Americans were attacked by Chinese forces from midnight onwards. In a pause between attacks the men were unable to see where the enemy forces were[行者按,以前曾提起过“其中美军陆战一师在元山(Wonsan)登陆后, 在十一月二日遭遇中国人民志愿军第42军124师, 六日42军遵命北撤, 意图‘引诱’美军进入长津湖地区。”]. Lieutenant Lee directed them to watch for and shoot at the flashes made by the Chinese weapons and then made a one-man raid on the Chinese positions, repeatedly advancing from one spot to another while feigning a much bigger American force. He made it up to the Chinese position by identifying himself as Chinese in Mandarin then hurling grenades and shooting, thus forcing the enemy into full, confused retreat[行者按,这一段提到他用汉语讲明他是中国人然后投掷手榴弹并射击。此次行动为他后来赢得海军十字勋章。这是他最受国人争议的地方。]. The Chinese left several dead behind and Lieutenant Lee was able to save his men. It was for this action that he was awarded the Navy Cross, the second highest combat decoration given by the Marines Corps. The next morning he was shot by a sniper and sent back to an Army field hospital at Hamhung.

该文还有几段描写他负伤后拒绝去日本治疗,胳膊缠着绷带和战友又返回了B连。连长重新分配他到第二步枪排去替代负伤撤离的排长,进而参加了后来发生的“长津湖战役”,特别是挽救固守在Fox Hill的F连(控制Toktong Pass)的战斗。行者以前曾写道,“十一月二十七日夜, 志愿军伏兵四起, 战斗正式打响。十一月二十八日, 自柳潭里到古土里, 美军战线被切成数段。”

他在战后的感觉,和其他美国海军陆战队没什么两样:“Lieutenant Lee said he never felt more exhilarated in the flush of victory over a defeated enemy or prouder of his men — regulars and reservists — all now uniformly professional Marines.” 除了美国军方授予的勋章,他还受到同僚的赞许。美国海军陆战队纪念协会(Marines Memorial Association)的Michael Myatt曾引用Ray Davis将军[行者按,即当年海军陆战一师7团1营营长,曾为“Colder than Hell”一书作序]的话说,“李中尉是他所见最勇敢的人”。



又名:冰雪长津湖 / 抗美援朝 / 长津湖之战 / The Battle at Lake Changjin / Battle of Chosin Reservior


主演:吴京 易烊千玺 段奕宏 朱亚文 李晨 韩东君 胡军 张涵予 史彭元 唐国强 周小斌 黄轩 王伍福 张国立 郑恺 张嘉益 李幼斌 杨心仪 


