God visits us with many mysteries in life,(上帝总是神秘地出现在我们的生活之中)
unexpected death is the most challenging.(意外死亡是最大的挑战)
But when it happens when God leaves us speechless in the face of death,(但当它发生时,主却让我们直面死亡而无言面对)
here minds us all we have is forgiveness.(他告诫我们所能做的只有宽恕)
We must set our anger aside and look to those(我们必须放下心中的怒火,想想失去的亲人)
whom we have lost,to found a better life.(然后拥抱更美好的明天)
For who is God,except the lord,(因为除了主,又有谁是神?)
and who is a rock besides our God?(除了神,又有谁坚若磐石?)
The god who girdles me with strength(神与我们同在,赐予我们力量)
and made my way safe.(令我们的人生一帆风顺)
He made my feet like the feet of a deer(他让我的脚步飞快轻盈)
and set me secure on the heights.(又使我在高处安之若素)
He trains my hands for war(他锻炼我们的双手去战斗)
so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze,(我能手挽强弓)
you have given me the shield of your salvation(你给了我救命的盾牌)
and your right hand has supported me.(还一直保护着我)
Your help has made me great,you gave me a wide place(你的援手助我壮大,你给我广阔的世界)
for my steps under me and my feet did not slip.(让我去闯,让我不再踉跄前行)
I pursued my enemies and overtook them,(我追赶敌人,超越他们)
and did not turn back until they were consumed.(不毁灭他们就绝不回头)
I struck them down so that they were not able to rise,(我打到他们再无还手之力)
they fell under my feet(让他们臣服在我脚下)
for you girdled me with strength for the battle.(你赐予我战斗的力量)
You made my assailants sink under me,(你让我的敌人臣服)
you made my enemies turn their backs to me(你让我的敌人不敢忤逆)
and those who hated me,I destroyed.(那些恨我的人,终将被我毁灭)

入侵华尔街Assault on Wall Street(2013)

又名:紧急救援:贪婪的年纪 / Bailout: The Age of Greed


主演:爱德华·福隆 / 多米尼克·珀塞尔 / 埃里克·罗伯茨 / 艾琳·卡普拉克 / 凯斯·大卫 / 迈克尔·帕尔 / 约翰·赫德 / 

导演:乌维·鲍尔 / 编剧:乌维·鲍尔 Uwe Boll
