
Ladies and gentlemen. It’s one of the great cosmic mysteries. How it is that someone can go from being a total stranger to being the most important person in your life. No, Graham. I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about me. Yeah. I’m talking Tilly and me. *laugh

Cast your minds back 11 and a half years. Edinburgh. First term of first year. Four in the morning, and i’m woken by frantic banging on the door. I get up, afraid, open it. And on the other side is a girl telling me quite unapologetically that she is dying for sweet corn and could she borrow my tin opener. “weirdo,” I thought, “definitely avoid.” But it was too late. Cause from the moment that the stranger rocked up with her can of sweet corn, I stopped worrying about stupid stuff, like not having gone to the right school, or not being the Edinburgh type. And instead, I just had four of the funniest, happiest years of my life. And so it was with Graham and Tilly. One minute she’s telling me about this add guy that she’s met at this sparsely attended nightclub in wandsworth, who is not remotely her type. And why did she give him her phone number? And next, well, here we are. At what must be the finest “Grantham meets Grenada” mash-up the world has ever seen.

One of the writers we studied in Edinburg was Dickens, who we didn’t really get that much, did we? Apart from this one bit, from Great Expectations, which says, “ Imagine one selected day struck out of your life, and think how different its course would have been. Think for a moment, of the long chain of iron or glod, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on that memorable day. ”


To Tilly and Graham.
