
Jay: We all struggle with limitations... Some we're willing to accept... And some we're not. It's never too late to grow in life.


Manny: He's learning to dance, but he's just to tense.
Jay: It's not working out.
Manny: 'cause you're not letting go.
Jay: I'm trying. Don't you think I want to be all smooth and make your mom happy out there? But I just can't do it, that's all.
Manny: Jay, I'm not giving up on you.
Mitchell: Okay. Hey, Manny, would you give us a second? Thanks. Dad, look, I-I know this is weird, but you and I are a lot alike. We're self-conscious, okay? So, um, here. Just...
Jay: The hell is this?
Mitchell: It's just something that some people take at clubs to, you know, loosen up.
Jay: You take this?
Mitchell: A gay man who hates dancing lives in a sad and lonely little world. This just melts your inhibitions, and-- and you can dance all night. Plus it gives you a raging--
Jay: I don't wanna-- I don't like this at all.
Mitchell: Just hold on to it. Just in case. Keep it. Come on. It's fine.

Gloria: You know, I think I should go home to my loving husband and pull him close and tell him that I danced with 20 men.
Jay: He's not home. He's in a dicey neighborhood worried about his car.
Gloria: Jay!
Jay: What, are we goon kiss or dance?
Gloria: Let's dance!

Jay: I'm dead set against drugs. "Just say no" and all that stuff. But I thought, just this once for Gloria. And if I was goon make a complete ass of myself, I didn't wanna remember it.

Mitchell: The big drug I gave him-- baby aspirin. Orange-flavored. He could have chewed it.


Phil: There you are. I really need to talk to you.
Jay: You really don't.
Phil: Jay, please. It's about work. I got a text during your massage. I've been offered a partnership in a new agency.
Jay: Oh, good for you.
Phil: I am not so sure. I mean, there's--there's a big upside, but I have a stable job right now. I have three kids, and at least one of them's going to college. Worse case scenario, they all go.
Jay: Well, what does Claire think?
Phil: I haven't told her yet. I wanted to talk to you first. You've done this.
Jay: Well, I think that there's only really one question.
Phil: Whether I'm ready to run my own company?
Jay: Ah, you're great with people. We know you're a good salesman. You've managed to provide a good living in tough times.
Phil: Then what? Is this the right time?
Jay: Never a perfect time. House could burn down tomorrow. Question is, do you want this?
Phil: Yeah. Yeah, I really want it.
Jay: Then gamble on yourself. I'd gamble on you.
Phil: I'm gonna do it.
Jay: There you go.
Phil: Thanks, Jay.

Jay: If I could only save one possession in a fire, probably my first set of golf clubs. My old man gave 'em to me.
Gloria: The engagement ring that Jay gave me that changed my life.
Mitchell: Lily's adoption papers.
Cam: I was gonna say adoption papers. So I guess, then, I would say y mom's recipe book.
Phil: All our family photos... which I keep on my iPad, so my iPad.
Claire: As long as I have my family, I wouldn't need anything else.
All: Aw, man!
Claire: What!
Phil: You say something like that, it makes us all seem petty.
Claire: Well... I know.
All: Hiss!


Cam: There are dreamers and there are realists in this world. You'd think the dreamers would find the dreamers and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not, the opposite is true. You see, the dreamers need the realists to keep them from soaring too close to the sun. And the realists... well, without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground.


Cam: Jay! Jay! Jay!
Jay: You wanna hug me, don't you?
Cam: I kind of do.
Jay: 4 to 5 seconds.
Cam: 45 seconds?
Jay: 4 to 5 seconds.
Cam: Oh, okay.

Gloria: Family is family. Whether it's the one you start out with... the one that you end up with... Or the family that you gain along the way... Which makes every day December 16th.


Claire: You know, this is your fault.
Jay: What?
Claire: The way we compete with each other it's-- is sick. It's so sick, two 13-year-olds know how to take advantage of us. And you know what? You made me this way.
Jay: How do you figure that?
Claire: Dad! You pushed me into sports. You never let me win. You know, that stuff... it does something to a girl.
Jay: For your information, you came out of the womb like that. I'm not entirely sure there wasn't a twin in there you bumped off.
Claire: If you saw that in me, why didn't you discourage it?
Jay: Why would I discourage something that I love?
Claire: Really?
Jay: You kidding? You're a fighter. The thing I love about you is you never give up.
Claire: Dad...Dad.
Jay: Even though I clearly designed a superior egg container.
Claire: Out of your mind, old man.
Jay: Only one way to find out.


Phil: And that was how they apologized to me. At least, I - I think it was. I could never ask them.


Manny: They say the important thing in life isn't the destination. It's the journey, the challenges you face along the way... the unexpected twists and turns... the disappointments you overcome. But they're wrong. It's all about the destination, especially when the destination is your amazing oceanfront hotel.


Gloria: There's certain moments in life that you never forget. Like when I held Manny in my arms for the very first time. I was nervous. I didn't know what I was doing. And I was so excited to see him grow up. And the more he becomes the little man I know today, the more I know I would do it all over again...

摩登家庭 第三季Modern Family(2011)

又名:当代家庭 第三季

主演:艾德·奥尼尔 / 索菲娅·维加拉 / 朱丽·鲍温 / 泰·布利尔 / 杰西·泰勒·弗格森 / 艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特 / 里德·尤因 / 萨拉·海蓝德 / 阿芮尔·温特 / 诺兰·古德 / 里克·罗德里格兹 / 奥布里·安德森-埃蒙斯 / 

导演:杰森·维纳 / 编剧:克里斯托弗·洛伊德 Christopher Lloyd/斯蒂文·莱维坦 Steven Levitan

摩登家庭 第三季相关影评
