This is one of my favorite films ever, 11 October 1999

Author: Philip R. Food ( from San Francisco, CA

This film isn't just depraved and misanthropic, it's depraved and misanthropic with heart.

Despite it's grotesqueness, it depicts a fantasy of rebellion and transgression that I've loved for years. The urge to break free and destroy the confining objects and circumstances of our lives is within all of us. The potential joy of trashing and rendering inoperable our cars, the implements of our work, even our foodstuffs and houses lurks somewhere on a subconcious level, wether we are able to admit it to ourselves or not. Herzog has made an archetypal statement, very simply and unambiguously. The exhilaration of watching these laughing little people dismantle, bludgeon and set fire to their surroundings is immense

I find I have a weird empathy with the character Hombre, the small guy who happily follows the group and laughs while he watches all the destruction. He has a kind of humble nobility which is revealed at the beginning of the film when he refuses to talk to police.

侏儒流氓Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen(1970)

又名:侏儒也是同样长大 / 侏罗也是从小长大的 / 侏儒叛逆记(港) / Even Dwarfs Started Small


主演:Helmut Döring/Gerd Gickel/Paul Glauer/Gisela Hertwig/Hertel Minkner

导演:Werner Herzog编剧:Werner Herzog