Never ever had an anime like NANA shaped my entire mind and view in my early 10s at the first sight. From then on I gradually learned what makes a true friend. It’s neither just a tag that you can put on whomever you want that easily,nor a description on someone you acquaint.A friend is somebody you always want to support and encourage, always want to give rather than ask from.
When I was young,I always admire nana,she’s like the moonlight, cool but gentle,tough but kind.However now I’m dreaming so badly to be like nainai. Everybody want to beloved like nainai and have a good ending in every romantic love story. But we always forget that she’s the one so brave in love even she knew the fire of this love would burn herself. ' Never mind I’ll be fine' is her consciousness. She is the sun,the spring season,the bloom after the cold winter. She brings recklessly love and fights like a soldier. Common but strong, thats how I want to be like right now.

娜娜NANA -ナナ-(2006)

又名:世上的另一个我 / NANA

主演:朴璐美 / 川菜翠 / 木内秀信 / 川原庆久 / 关智一 / 石田彰 / 平野绫 / 森川智之 / 诹访部顺一 / 本田贵子 / 高桥广树 / 小岛惠美 / 金井美香 / 胜杏里 / 周防玲子 / 千叶纱子 / 立木文彦 / 滨田贤二 / 藤井启辅 / 

导演:浅香守生 / 中村亮介 / 石塚敦子 / 谷田部胜义 / 钉宫洋 / 高桥亨 / 岛崎奈奈子 / 鹤冈耕次郎 / 广川和之 / 若林汉二 / 千叶大辅 / 池田重隆 / 渡边正彦 / 编剧:矢泽爱 Ai Yazawa/金春智子 Tomoko Konparu/笔安一幸 Kazuyuki Fudeyasu/浦畑达彦 Tatsuhiko Urahata
