当听到自己正处在癌症第四阶段,并且癌症只有四个阶段的时候,有三个念头第一时间闪过Ben的脑海。一,取消婚礼;二,借此理由不批改六个班的英语作业;三,会有多少人参加他的葬礼?而第四个念头则朝医生大喊了出来:“你确定你没搞错?我觉得自己很好。”而医生给他的答案是确定,并且最多可以活两三年,最少可以活到今天。Ben弄清楚了,“I am gonna die.”

What would you do if you know you only have one day or one week or one month to live? 可能Ben也不知道自己想做什么,他被这突然的生命判决弄得晕乎乎的!以致于,骑上了未婚妻Samatnha认为最最愚蠢的哈雷摩托车,并且还买了下来。

生命,生活让人茫然,更充满偶然。由于Ben的白日梦,总是习惯性的卷起咖啡杯的边缘,看自己中奖没有。但是却看到一句话“Young man,go west.”Ben看了很久,似乎知道自己想干什么了,去西部,要开始自己的生活,要去寻找找旅行的意义,要去找寻父亲说起的Grumps,要孤独去死!


旅途中,孤独如影随形,脑子里却还是挥之不去的死亡。Benj激起自己读过一本关于一个叫John Brandrick的英国男人的书,他被诊断出患有胰腺癌并且只有一年可活。于是John花光了所有积蓄,却发现那是一个误诊。如果Ben也被误诊了呢?Ben想到了Samantha灿烂的笑脸,还有家人的笑脸。他想Samantha是对的,他应该回去。他只是在那条著名的埃及河里游泳。


西部,西部,一路孤独。他走过许许多徐陌生旅行者的足迹;他独自拍照留念;他独自起舞,借助一首流行歌(I need you tonight,you make things right.Everytime I see you,it gonna be a nice day)甩掉桎梏。实际上他遇见很多人,但一路陪伴的只有孤独。人生本孤独,也要孤独去死,为何不快乐地孤独。他参加陌生人的婚礼;脱下鞋让药店医生检查自己是否真有脚臭;在汽车旅馆遇到患过癌症并给他大麻抽的男人;他遇见了Dereck Vincent,已经守了7个小时的斯坦利杯的曲棍球球运动员,并且亲了斯坦利杯一下;遇见了孤独的农场主,一个刚刚死了最爱的小狗Rudy;遇见了会弹吉他的Tracy,并且和她在森林里,篝火旁睡了一晚(My mind is not on tomorrowor yesterday,or even three hours before now.It's just now.Many of life's failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up.);遇见了来加拿大旅行的情侣,并未他们拍下最美好的照片(Their love wasn't an illusion.However,like most relationships,there were a few roar waves that could have capsized it.In those times of rough seas,Ben's photograph was a touch tone for what was best)。

最终,他一个人倘游在海中,他似乎看见了父亲说的Grumps.No one can say with any any amount of certainty what Grumps actually looks like.He is hard to pin down that way.However,a good rule of thumb of his father always believed,you'll definitely know him when you see him.And Ben was positively certain that the universe has coughed up at Grumps.

这样,Ben只剩下一件事未做,那就是回到Samantha身边。“You smell like the sea."Smantha对Ben说。Ben"How do you know you are in love?If you have to ask,you're not."这是曾患过癌症的男人对Ben说的。

Ben最终找到了他的意义,他想孤独去死。孤独亦快乐。Oh,My Life.To Strive,To Seek,To Find,And Not To Yeild.

When you get those rare moments of clarity, those flashes when the universe make sense, you tried desperately to hold on to them.
  They are the life boats for the darker times.
  When the vastness of all, the incomprehensible nature of life is completely illusive.
  So the question becomes, or should be all along.
  What would you do if you know you only have one day or one week or one month to live?
  What life boat would you grap onto ?
  What secret would you tell?
  What band would you see?
  What person would you declare you love to?
  What wish would you fulfill?
  What exotic locale would you fly to for a coffee?
  What book would you write?


最后一周One Week(2008)



主演:乔舒亚·杰克逊 / 莲妮·芭拉班 / 坎贝尔·斯科特 / 

导演:麦克·迈克高文 / 编剧:麦克·迈克高文 Michael McGowan

