Robert Reich is really inspirational. He knows about the truth of economical failure and how to cure the failure more than anyone but couldn't enact change, even as a former treasurers. But the guy doesn't lose faith. He relays the message on and inspires the future generations to come. Main takeaway 1) wealth accumulation is problematic because the wealthy could not spend as much as 1000 middle class who own the same amount of wealth, e.g. you can only sleep on one pillow every night. 2) the media is distorting the truth so oftenly, Warren Buffett is socialist? Obama is socialist? because they want to tax more on the 1% who pays less tax then you and me? Mit Romney pay 13.9% and I pay 30%. 3) Reich stood up and says " do I look like big government? 4) strongly recommend watching "5 to 9" as a preview activity.

不平等的时代Inequality for All(2013)



主演:Robert Reich / 

导演:Jacob Kornbluth /