《Bride and Prejudice》很适合作为post-colonial语境下的diasporic创作的研究对象。

作为印度歌舞版傲慢与偏见,保留了奥斯汀笔下所有的男性的人设,而对姐妹一家的设定进行了印度本土化的创作,从跨越阶级式的女性文学,变成了反殖民主义、反文化景观化的故事,对于文化挪用和文化凝视也有一定的探讨。这种印度电影改编英国文学并以全英对话来探讨殖民问题本身,就直接呈现了一个resistance和mimicry的天秤了。“How to balance between complete divorce from empire and complete dependence on it? Appropriating the language of the colonials to empower and make it their own.”


根据Homi Bhabha的“The Location of Culture”,

  • Cultural identities cannot be ascribed to pre-given cultural traits “set in the fixed tablet of tradition”
  • "colonizer" and "colonized" are not independently defined entities.
  • negotiation of cultural identity involves the continual interface and exchange of cultural performances that in turn produce a mutual and mutable recognition (or representation) of cultural difference.
  • This "liminal" space is a "hybrid" site that witnesses the production—not just the reflection--of cultural meaning.
  • 'Always and ever differently the bridge escorts the lingering and hastening ways of men to and fro, so that they may get to other banks....The bridge gathers as a passage that crosses.'


而Kholi和balraj则展示了disporas的一体两面。作为在英美的印度人,对海外印度女性的认知是[忘本],对印度本土女性的认知是[本份、简单、顺从],尽管融入了英美社会,仍然需要传统的印度婚礼和印度妻子。Kholi对印度本土是负面的、鄙视的态度(反过来也遭到了女主的鄙视);Balraj则是正面的、欣赏的态度(反过来获得了女主的认可),是殖民语境下离散者的两个典型代表。“diasporas and nations produce each other” because “homelands like diasporas are produced through the material practices and cultural discourses of diasporic displacement and imaginings” (Beyond Bollywood)



新娘与偏见Bride & Prejudice(2004)



主演:艾西瓦娅·雷 / 马丁·亨德森 / 阿努潘·凯尔 / 纳威恩·安德利维斯 / 娜姆拉塔·施洛德卡 / 丹尼尔·吉里斯 / 因迪拉·瓦玛 / Sonali Kulkarni / Nitin Ganatra / 阿丽克西斯·布莱德尔 / 玛莎·马森 / 亚香缇 / 乔治娜·查普曼 / 里克·沃登 / 萨拉·芭努 / 顾伦德·查达哈 / 普莱姆 / 曹帕拉 / 迈克尔·多特森 / 

导演:顾伦德·查达哈 / 编剧:顾伦德·查达哈 Gurinder Chadha/简·奥斯汀 Jane Austen/保罗·梅达·贝哲斯 Paul Mayeda Berges