The first thing you notice in watching Bull Durham 20 years later is how incredibly young the players are. Costner's hairline is way up front, Sarandon is a little less wrinkled, and little Tim Robbins looks like he could be in high school.

Although, the film was a bit ahead of its time as a baseball romance theme, lot of studios has passed except for Orion Pictures. 9 mln US dollars and 8 weeks, that's all this film's got.

The second thing is their accent, the soothing North Carolina accent.

Baseball enthusiast Annie Savoy (Susan) narrate the story and how she got into this romance triangle with two baseball players, catcher "Crash" Davis (Costner) and, pitcher "Nuke" Laloosh (Robinson).

Great movie to watch.

When Baseball Is Love, Poetry and Even Religion

百万金臂Bull Durham(1988)

又名:接棒情缘 / 德拉姆牛 / 布尔・达累姆


主演:凯文·科斯特纳 / 苏珊·萨兰登 / 蒂姆·罗宾斯 / 

导演:罗恩·谢尔顿 / 编剧:Ron Shelton