
手打了影片最后这段深刻的final word,以供后人膜拜......

I’ve planned this investigation to be my final word. It’s time for me to pass the baton and move on to some new challenges. But I’ll never stop thinking titanic. For me it’s so much more than simply an exercise in forensic archeology.

Part of the titanic parable is of arrogance, of hubris , of the sense that were too big to fail. Well, where have we heard that one before? There was this big machine, this human system that was pushing forward with so much momentum that it couldn’t turn. It couldn’t stop in time to stop a disaster. And that’s what we have right now. Within that human system onboard that ship, if you want to make it a microcosm for the world, you have different classes. You’ve got first class, second class, third class…Well in our world right now, you’ve got developed nations and undeveloped nations. You’ve got the starving millions who are gonna be the ones most affected by the next iceberg that we hit, which is gonna be the climate change. We can see that iceberg right ahead us right now but we can’t turn. We can’t turn because the momentum of this system, political momentum, business momentum…There are too many people making money out of this system, the way the system works right now. And those people, frankly, have their hands on the levers of power and aren’t ready to let them go. Until they do, we’re not gonna able to turn and miss that iceberg, and we’re gonna hit it. When we hit it, the rich are still gonna able to get their access to food, to arable land, to water, and so on . It’s gonna be the poor, it’s gonna be the steerage that are goona be impacted. And it was the same with Titanic. And I think that’s why the story will always fascinate people, because it’s a perfect little en capsulation of the world and all social spectrum. But until our lives are really put at risk, the moment of truth, we don’t know what we would do.

And that’s my final word.


泰坦尼克号的部分寓意是对狂妄自大的一种影射,影射一些观念过于顽固,无法改变。这话是不是似曾相识?曾经有一种人类制度,就像一大巨大的机器,他动力十足,全力前进,无法逆转,无法及时停下避免灾难,当今世界也是如此。这个人类制度也可以体现在这艘船上,可以把这条船看作世界的缩影,船舱被分为不同等级,有头等舱 二等舱 三等舱。而相应地,当今世界也分发达国家和不发达国家,数百万人食不果腹。而碰到冰山的时候,这些人也是受影响最严重的群体。现实中的下一个变化 就是气候变化。这座冰山其实就在我们前方,但我们无力扭转。我们无力,是因为这个制度势头过猛,政治势头,经济势头等等。有太多的人从这一制度中获益。而这些人,说白了,同时也掌握着权力的杠杆,他们不愿就此放手。而他们不放手,我们就不能改变方向,也就无法绕过冰山而只能迎头撞上去了。撞上之后, 富人还是有办法获取食物 耕地 水源等等。而穷人,那些最底层的劳动者,才是真正受苦的,这就跟泰坦尼克号一样。我想这就是为什么这个故事会一直让人着迷下去,它装进了整个世界,保罗了社会万象。但是,只有在生命受到直接威胁,真理真正被揭示的时刻,我们才会知道自己会怎么做。



詹姆斯·卡梅隆:再见泰坦尼克Titanic:The Final Word with James Cameron(2012)



主演:詹姆斯·卡梅隆 James Cameron

导演:詹姆斯·卡梅隆 James Cameron编剧:Tony Gerber