It is kind of weird. 1 a.m., I feel like talking to someone, very badly, but I just can find anyone good enough to have a real conversation.

Counting my friends, some of them could not understand what I’m talking about; some are so busy for their future that they would think I am an idiot thinking these things.

So what is wrong with me, why am I in this awkward situation, doing nothing, thinking stupid things in bed at 1 o’clock? I really do not know, now I do sound like an idiot.

Today I watched a film, which basically is the romantisized version of the business legendary of Minhong Yu, the founder of New Oriental. The movie is nice, with touching classic pop music just at right point and a profound encouraging story about falling in and losing love, chasing dreams, friendship and growing old. Since I just lost a long-time lover, this story has a special meaning for me. Before I lost this girl, I always tend to be satisfied with what I have. Even sometimes I know I am not working as hard as I can, I always tell myself, somehow I can achieve something sometime. Even I saw someone around better than me, I would always tend to think that, I deserve better, I just need more opportunity to get more. Or sometimes I would just say to myself, suck it I have a hot girlfriend! Now, however, the girl is gone, forever, which means I lose, not only to somebody else, but also to myself. It is absolutely irresponsible to feel good about yourself when you are young, because even you are already the best in the world, like 18-year-old Lebron James. He always knew that he can do better, he deserve so much better. My dad always told me I am good enough to let him be proud, which is not true for him, and ironic for myself.
I grow up in a limited family, living in limited community, with limited information resource and limited funding support. Thus, I didn’t choose a major wisely, or even a major I like. Now I know that, this is classic loser logic. If you want to get real success, the only thing that can stop you is a lack of courage and imagination.

There are so many successful stories out there, if you really want to be some of them, you would have to do a lot of work. At least I have already accomplished the first step, being dumped…

There is a way out there, just go and get what you want. Also, there would be amazing girls out there for you to fuck, more than you can imagine.

24 years old, I am still young, and I will keep getting better every day.


又名:海阔天空(台) / 三个中国先生 / 中国先生 / American Dreams in China

上映日期:2013-05-17(中国大陆) / 2013-05-30(中国香港)片长:112分钟

主演:黄晓明 / 邓超 / 佟大为 / 杜鹃 / 王真儿 / 乔治·安东 / 杨晨 / 张籽沐 / 雷昊汶 / 佟磊 / 刘天佐 / Claire Quirk / Daniel Berkey / 公翠英 / 于膨玮 / 冯仑 / 宇轩 / 胡明杨 / 柏明 / 唐晓峰 / 凯特琳·菲茨杰拉德 / 杨轶 / 吴越坤 / 张跃德 / 毛大庆 / 田朴珺 / John Taylor / 闫锐 / Barbara Malley / Tracey Ilgner / Catherine Gibson / Anthony Santoro / 艾梓童 / 黄卫 / 黄天齐 / 康晟闻 / 雷瑷嘉 / 

导演:陈可辛 / 编剧:周智勇 Zhiyong Zhou/张冀 Ji Zhang/林爱华 Oi Wah Lam
