
David Walsh: 你为何选择“耶稣的生活”作为片名?
Bruno Dumont: 这个片名,当然是事先就有了。它不是那种你事后才选定的题名。我有讲述耶稣生活的欲望。但我不想去重复大家都知道的那些。(耶稣)那种生活的意义,激发了我的兴趣。我创作出一个故事来使这种意义重生,我想表明基督教中存在着一种人道主义,一种在教堂、学校中所没有教授的人道主义。它关注的是人的力量。我觉得人有力量。人是高尚的,同时,我也觉得人是极为低卑(丑恶)的,就像弗雷迪。我认为,他的生活就是受难(遭罪)、痛苦、悲伤,爱、喜悦、性。邪恶是生活的一部分。面对它,这是必要的。也许在这种对抗中,人可以提升他自己。

DW: 性在你电影中的作用是什么?

DW: 法国青年认为他们有未来吗?


DW: 你怎么看当代法国电影?
BD:我觉得那是一种非常理智(有脑无心)、非常饶舌(talky)的电影,一种已经失去了与生活的联系的电影。我感兴趣的是生活、人、小的细节。电影是朝向身体、朝向情绪的。它需要返回到普通人中间,他们并不长篇大论(说出很多),但他们所体验到的喜悦、情感(激情)、痛苦、死亡中的同情,都有一种令人难以置信的强度。他们并不说话,说并不是重要的。真正重要的是情感。要使观众意识到这些东西,而不是让我意识到这些。 观众必须思想。他有很多工作要做。电影的力量就在于将人回归到身体、心、真实中。属人的人(a man of the people,就像农民版耶稣),握有一个真理(知晓生活的真相),而城市人、知识分子却已经将它失落了。弗雷迪有某种我已经失去了的东西,我必须再次找到它,而我并不确切知道它是什么。我觉得,我们的文化,我们的文明,在政治、社会、道德上,都已经全面溃败(失灵)了。

DW: 你欣赏任何在世的电影人吗?
BD: No,只欣赏已故的。我对伟大的电影人、诗人都有巨大的钦佩;那些人将电影做成一门真正的艺术,一种诗的电影。我认为布列松,帕索里尼,罗西里尼,就是这样的人。当我离开这种电影,我不知道该想些什么。我需要用很长一段时间来弄懂它。电影中的一个半小时,并不是真正的结束。阿巴斯•基亚罗斯塔米是一个伟大的大师。这些电影长年累月滋养着我。而后来那些试图以壮观取胜的影片,却没有留给你任何东西。

DW: 你为什么拍电影?

DW: 你有(宗教)信仰吗?
BD:我不是信徒,但它让我着迷。我不相信天堂。但我相信基督的故事,它是对人类悲剧的一个最美丽、最诗意表达。我相信它,就像我相信一首诗。我相信乔托的福音壁画(出现于《耶稣的生活》中危重病房的墙壁上—译注)、巴赫的受难曲。基督在其中仅仅是表达(人类悲剧)的手段。绘画使我感到极大的兴趣。在佛兰芒(Flemish)绘画中,基督是一个农民(参看P.勃鲁盖尔《耶稣在行刑途中》),他是一个属人的人(a man of the people)。他不是那个高贵堂皇的“基督”。基督是一个普通的人。因此,在我的电影中,我讲述了一个人的故事。一个生活着、走着同样道路的小个男人。他生活中所思虑的,就是从他所在的地方—向上提升。没有了“耶稣的生活”这个片名,这部影片就失去了某种东西。这是一部非常神秘的电影。电影有力量去触摸身体内的神秘之物,它的深层秘密。


(二)2011戛纳《撒旦之外》争议导演Bruno Dumont的争议访谈
•Text by Gail Tolley

布鲁诺•杜蒙可说是戛纳的常客,曾两次荣获该电影节的评审团大奖。今年,他携《撒旦之外》卷土重来,讲述一名陌生男子的故事,他艰难生活在布列塔尼Cote D'Opale沿岸的灌木丛里。镜头追随人物,设定在遍布沼泽和沙丘的景观中,这是一部稀疏荒凉、诡异可怕、时时令人不安的电影,它窥测着善良(正义)与邪恶(罪孽)的本性。

Dumont从不回避具挑战性的、令人不安的主题,并以此著称,他的第六部作品再次证实了他在当代电影的外部界限所发出的独特声音。在其新片的戛纳首映不久,他接受了Dazed Digital的访谈,讨论了神秘主义、恶魔以及他对当代电影的厌恶。

Dazed Digital:拍摄《撒旦之外》的出发点是什么?


DD: 景观是否着扮演一个精神地理学(psychogeographic心理空间-场域)的角色?


布鲁诺•杜蒙:我已经与他 [演员,David Dewaele] 共事多年,他在我其他电影中扮演过一些小角色(《弗朗德勒》《哈德维奇》),我一直都知道他有某种非常强大的东西,而我需要这样的强大的元素。他也非常阳刚,我觉得这是一个非常阳刚(雄健)的电影。它不一定非常招女性喜爱,而我并不是在拍摄一部关于文明的电影,我是在创作一部原始的电影。我是一个男人,所以我像男人那样拍电影。我将更女性化的电影留给女性来拍。



布鲁诺•杜蒙:我确实对恐怖很感兴趣,它可以归入驱魔电影的类型。但很肯定,它不是《驱魔人》(The Exorcist)那种,但我很想以一种基本(最低限)的方式来看待(审视)这个题材。就像那个小女孩的镜头,我看着她,问自己:我怎样才能描述这种着魔状态?





BD: 布列松给电影这门艺术带来了独创且恒久的声音,这门艺术的声音在今天相当程度上已经湮没无闻。他以其高超的执导技巧和(极具掌控力的)场面调度,向我们展示出如何能够运用(电影)这个媒介来讲述一个既动人又缜密的故事。 他的影片是纯然电影化的——绝不仅仅是对文学作品插图的简单拼凑,而且他的运镜相当惊人。他以一种极为强有力的方式运用特写镜头,并以此引导我们(观众)去反思自己所看到的影像。
另一方面,我非常钦佩他对演员的指导:他影片中的这个要素,看似单调空白或者中性无特色,实则包含了相当多的巧思(巧妙方法)。 他与演员一同工作、并通过其目光来叙述故事的方法,经由一个不断苛求和权威性的过程而得以实现。这就给我们如何达到严格精确、如何运用有限手段来创作作品,上了很好的一课。


BD: 《乡村牧师日记》,每次看到它,我都被其慑服。它有一种精神性的风格,使我为之深深触动。这是一部最终指向优雅的影片。它的一系列精心创制,都将我们带向结尾的拍摄——一个绝对非凡的镜头(心力交瘁的牧师死于胃癌,白色的银幕上投下一个巨大的十字架的黑影。上帝秩序无处不在;经由耶稣受难之夜,迎向基督复活之晨)。对我来说,这才是电影:如何一个接一个镜头地,将观众带向一个全然强有力的结局。


BD: 就我自身的影片来说,我并不会想到布列松——我觉得自己离罗西里尼、库布里克或伯格曼更近一些。确实,我们都分有了对精神性的渴求:你可以在布列松影片中看到它,从他极为虔敬地放置其摄影机的方式中看到这种精神性,而这也是我希望自己作品所能具有的。但在其它方面,我们的方法是极为不同的,例如我经常运用直接声响来工作,而布列松却从不这样做(老布喜欢对背景音效进行专门设计,而杜蒙则习惯直接从现场收录声响)。


每逢一个创作者做出点稍微相似的东西,批评家都会努力寻找他与布列松的类似性。但布列松开凿出了他自己的道路,而你如果只是追随他的脚步,就将是愚蠢的。他打破了电影的戏剧传统,开创出声响极为不凡(不同凡响)的电影书写方式。 如果你看一下雅克•塔蒂的影片,你会发现同样的东西,只不过他关注的是喜剧而不是悲剧。
(《视与听》2007•12 Interview by Paul Ryan)


(三)A man, a girl and nature in Hors Satan(摄影师访谈)

news / productions
May 31, 2011

Yves Cape studied at the INSAS film school in Brussels. After having started out as an assistant he made his debut as DOP on short films in the 90’s. His encounter with Alain Berliner on the short film Rose ( 1993) led to the signing for the photography of the successful feature Ma vie en rose. Since then his filmography has included films in France ( Persécution by Patrice Chéreau, White material by Claire Denis) and abroad ( Le gardien des buffles in Vietnam, L’amore inperfetto in Italy or In gods hands in the US). A close collaborator of director Bruno Dumont he is at his side for the fourth time at this years Cannes film-festival with the film Hors satan.

How would you describe this new film by Bruno Dumont?

YC: A man, a girl, nature and the connection between all three of them, that is what this film is about. Bruno wanted nature to be glorious. We shot at a nature reserve Des Dunes De La Sack and in the area of Boulogne Sur Mer. Access to the reserve was not allowed but after long negotiations, a limited number of people, ten at the maximum were allowed to enter. We could not use any vehicles or put down any dolly tracks. We carried all the equipment ourselves in the lightest possible configuration. We used a lot of static shots and wide views, actors entering or exiting the frame. The film is a very basic one, with a very rough edge to it. Bruno had shown me some film stills by the mexican dp Gabriel Figueroa from the early Bunuel films, from which we drew a lot of inspiration. Mostly those where the horizon is placed in lower part of the frame as opposed to the middle where we are used to frame it, and also the use of high and low angles. On Bruno’s other films I achieved this by using a level on the tilt of the camera to be sure to have it level in both axes.

What was the chosen look for the film?

YC: Bruno wanted it be a sunny film. We shot for 7 weeks between august and october, 6 days a week. The first few weeks the weather was terrible, it was poring rain. As we quickly used up the two three interiors we had to shoot we ended up shooting some scenes in grey overcast weather. Which Bruno actually liked: the dark skies, the cold light. So grading those scenes for continuity wasn’t all that easy, which helped to give the film that rough edge. Bruno also wanted to shoot some key scenes at dusk or dawn to capture that magical light. For example, he wanted a shot of the hero facing the sun rise, in the mist. We needed several early morning attempts to get it. We also wanted to get the same setting during the day, in the mist and with a white kind of light. We finally got it, by being very patient. Working on a film with Bruno isn’t always that easy, one has to be able to make some concessions. The crew knows what makes him tick, and are happy to oblige.

And the lighting?

YC: The films by Bruno Dumont are made with a limited budget, so I didn’t have the means or the time to light the exteriors. I used an Airstar 400w balloon which let me round off the light on the faces. For interiors I had two joker-bug 400’s and two kino flo 120 4 banks. So in order to get the light we needed for a shot we had to shoot it at right time of day, that is why planning was so important. I read the script six months before the shoot, and two months before starting I received the story boards ( a practice ever sine the film: Hadewijch). So I possessed a very precis document, that we could discuss about in general. Then we visited the sets for two weeks to check every setup using a viewfinder. Its exiting and unique, it is only with Bruno that I work this way. This time around the script supervisor and first assistant director joined us. In the end the only luxury we could afford ourselves was to shoot in 35mm anamorphic and have a DI. Shooting in anamorphic let us put the characters and the landscapes in the same frame. The setting tells the story of characters and interacts with them. But even on this central artistic choice we had to make a compromise. We weren’t able to get the newer Hawk V-plus lenses. So we had to settle for the first generation lenses, that perform less definition wise. Mostly on the shorter end, the 35 and 40 mm. I had to shoot using an Arri 535B which isn’t the most lightweight camera to run across the dunes of La slack with.

Did you consider shooting digitally?

YC: We considered shooting Hadewijch digitally for financial reasons. But for Bruno the correct reproduction of the actors faces is essential, and back then using a Sony, he was not able get the natural skin tones, shades of white and blush, the way he likes them on film. Or when we got the faces correct, the ground, the leaves on the threes weren’t correct anymore. Also Bruno noticed that I wasn’t at ease using an electronic viewfinder. I am very fond of the optical viewfinder, I have a hard time to get into the scene and connect with the actors using an electronic one. When looking through an optical viewfinder I kind of look the actors straight in the eyes, and with an electronic one it is as if I don’t dare to.

And the Alexa?

YC: The Alexa promises for many reasons to be very interesting. But I miss the optical viewfinder! A 4/3 sensor enabling to shoot in scope would also be very welcome. But it is true that one can actually shoot anamorphic now using the Hawk v-lite at a 1.3 x squeeze, but it is very expensive.

And postproduction?

YC: Bruno is unconditional user of the DI, for him it is a way to fully control the images, and most off all to balance the skin tones that are so important to him. Hors Satan was graded over two weeks by Richard Seusy at Dubois, from a 2K scan of the 4P scope negative. And the screening at Cannes will be a DCP projection as this seems us to be more accurate than a film print.

Interview by François Reumont on behalf of the AFC

focus puller : Pauline Teran
2nd camera assistant : Emilie Colin
intern : Romain Baudean
key grip: Bertrand Salliou
grip : Régis Romé
gaffer : Eric Alirol


撒旦之外Hors Satan(2011)

又名:魔非魔(港) / 帝国 / L'empire / Outside Satan / Exo Satana


主演:奥罗拉·布鲁坦 / David Dewaele / Alexandra Lematre / 

导演:布鲁诺·杜蒙 / 编剧:布鲁诺·杜蒙 Bruno Dumont