柳垠渽(李诗英 饰)是棒球队“蓝色海鸥”的忠实球迷,某日,在一家KTV里,柳垠渽一家人意外邂逅了球队“红梦人”的球员朴茂烈(李栋旭 饰),要知道,如果不是朴茂烈,“蓝色海鸥”才不至于在比赛中落败,失去得到冠军的机会。一想到这个就气不打一处来的柳垠渽向朴茂烈发起了挑衅,引起了一场混战,这“壮观”的场面被录了下来传到了网络之上,一时间,朴茂烈的人气大跌。 为了挽回朴茂烈的声誉,他的经纪人召开了记者招待会,宣布柳垠渽即将成为朴茂烈的贴身保镖。就这样,一对冤家硬是被撮合到了一起,整天吵吵闹闹的生活就此展开,还时不时地碰撞出小小的火花来。Late at night in a Karaoke bar, Yoo Eun-Jae's father sees the Red Dreamers Baseball player Park Moo-Yeol, who he blames for ruining his beloved Blue Seagulls chance at the Championship, and gets into a confrontation. Yoo Eun-Jae, a bodyguard, defends her father using her Judo skills and throws Park Moo-Yeol to the ground. When the Red Dreamers find out a video of the incident has hit the Internet they decide that to prevent the negative publicity they will hire Yoo Eun-Jae to guard Park Moo-Yeol. This allows them to claim that the whole incident was merely practice and not the latest in a string of offences and embarrassments by Park Moo-Yeol. For the ploy to work under media attention however, Yoo Eun-Jae must actually perform as expected, in close attendance to Park Moo-Yeol. Thus the story plays out with Yoo Eun-Jae and Park Moo-Yeol battling not only each other, but a sinister stalker out to get the infamous Red Dreamer star Park Moo-Yeol.