《国际空间站》是由美国IMAX公司拍摄3D纪录片,它再现各国宇航员在外太空航行的宇宙空间站上的日常生活。影片展示的完全不同与地球上的生活状态,令观众闻所未闻,充满着有趣的细节。影片由IMAX巨幅银幕还原的影像,逼真的视觉效果可以令观众忘记现实,仿佛也身处美妙的失重世界之中。The first 3D live-action film to be shot in space. Using advanced 3D-technology, the film depicts the greatest engineering happening since a man landed on the Moon in 1969. Amongst these is the on-orbit assembly of the International Space Station as it travels 220 miles above the Earth at the speed of 17,500 mph. The film also has included sequences that portray the force of a rocket launch, as well as a look into the depths of space. You will experience life in zero gravity, and accompany the astronauts on a space walk. The film was an immense success in theaters in 2002, and is the highest grossing film ever not release in more than 100 theaters at the same time.