四个年轻人姚远(葛优饰),周北雁(刘蓓饰),钱康(冯小刚饰),梁子(何冰饰)是一群自由职业者。他们突发奇想,开办了一个“好梦一日游”业务,承诺帮人们过上梦想成真的一天。人们离奇古怪的愿望接踵而至,似乎人人都想给自己现有的生活来一个180度大转弯。于是,富贵的想尝试贫穷,明星想体验平凡,小平民想做巴顿将军,守不住秘密的厨子想成为守口如瓶的铮铮铁汉……在搞笑荒诞的愿望中,四个年轻人忙碌着扮演各种场景角色,他们把真情融入到了这些故事当中。生活过得充满乐趣,有滋有味。Four friends come up with an unusual idea to make some money and have fun doing it. For a small fee, they will impersonate and act out any character role for their customers. In the course of executing this novel service, they encounter a whole spectrum of people in society, finding ways to genuinely help them boost their morale and overcome their fears, while gaining unusual and new insights into the human condition.