机动战士高达SEED的系列作再开。这次除了我们大家熟悉的基拉(保志总一朗 配音)、阿斯兰(石田彰 配音)等人外,还有大量新角色的登场。而故事也将演变的更为复杂,冲突加剧,战争升级。 C.E.70年2月,“血染情人节”事件的辐射效应还在地球联合军和ZAFT中延续着。二者发动了数次对抗,伤及众多无辜百姓。C.E.71年6月,地球联合军居然不顾条约发动了对中立国家奥布联合酋长国的侵略。这让少年真飞鸟(铃村健一 配音)在一瞬间失去了自己全部的亲人,而且都是在自己眼前。这件事对飞鸟的打击不小,让他这个无忧无虑的平凡少年,决定加入ZAFT。加入ZAFT,飞鸟遇到了许多挫折和坎坷,也看到了人性的残忍和无奈,最严峻的情况是自己内心始终笼罩着家人离去的阴影。飞鸟的成长在ZAFT正式开始。他和基拉、阿斯兰他们又会有怎样的交集呢?Two Years after The war Between the Earth Alliance and ZAFT, conflicts between the two nations heat up again. Shin Asuka, the new Main Character's eyes are full of sorrow as his family was killed in Orb during the war. Meanwhile, Athrun is torn between protecting Cagalli in Orb and doing something about the war. With new moble suits being developed by ZAFT and the abduction of three new modles by 3 Earth Alliance Pilots, the new story begins.