佐藤(三浦春马 饰)在一家调查公司里工作,主要工作内容就是在街上发放调查问卷,请路人填写。这份工作并不容易,佐藤每天都要无数次的面对路人们避之而不及的眼神,接受无数次的拒绝,不过这也在无形之中磨炼了他的心智。佐藤是一个单穿的男孩,总是幻想着命中注定的爱情,通过观察周围朋友们截然不同的感情状态,佐藤不断的思考着爱情的真谛。 一天,佐藤像往常一样在街上发放调查问卷,今天似乎特别不顺利,佐藤已经连续好几回被拒绝了。这时,一位身着黑衣的女子(多部未华子 饰)吸引了佐藤的注意,幸运的是,她答应了佐藤的请求。在等女子做调查问卷的过程中,佐藤看到女子的手上写着“洗发水”三个字,此时的他并没有意识到,这三个字竟然为他开启了一段长达十年的爱情冒险。Sato is 27 years old, lives in the northern prefecture of Sendai and is single. He is searching for the spark and explosion that will change his life and give him love and romance. He decides to position himself in front of the train station and solicit answers from the commuters through a survey. A woman with style halts to help. Coincidentally, there is something distinctive about her.