真の強さを求めて激動の時代を駆け抜けた男たちの熱い闘いを、2人の空手家を主演に迎えて描いた本格アクション。「らせん」の飯田譲治が脚本を手掛け、「8月のクリスマス」の長崎俊一がメガホンを取る。昭和初期、空手家・柴原英賢の下で修行に励んでいた義龍・大観・長英。しかし英賢は、継承の証である黒帯を誰に残すか明言しないまま亡くなってしまう。やがて、空手を軍力に利用しようと考える憲兵隊が3人に近づき……。The events take place in 1932 in Japanese-occupied Manchuria, in which the corrupt leaders of the Japanese army are trying to take over all the Karate dojos for their own personal benefit. Amidst these circumstances the master of one of these dojos dies before passing on the Kuroobi to his successor, leaving three of his pupils the task of deciding amongst themselves who deserves it most. After they bury their master, they are forced to leave the dojo and join the Japanese army. At this point, their journey leads them on rather different paths both in life and in the understanding of their master's teachings of martial arts, only to reunite them at the end.