1941年秋,德军逼近莫斯科,苏联军队奋勇抵抗。严冬来临,前线形势依然十分严峻。希特勒此时决定给苏军致命一击:刺杀斯大林。而苏联国家安全部也对此有所察觉,为了斯大林的安全,大尉别烈日诺立刻带领自己的行动组展开调查。毫无疑问,敌人就潜伏在周围。而此时,一个神秘女人波琳娜突然闯入了别烈日诺的生活。他们之间会发生什么纠葛?行动组会遇到怎样的挑战?谁才是真正的间谍?"Ubit Stalina" means to kill Ioseb Stalin on Russian language. This TV Mini-Series is directed by Sergey Ginzburg, known for "Once Upon a Time in Odessa". "Ubit Stalina" takes time in 1941, when Germans sent troops to invade Russia. Winter was very cold and soldiers couldn't stay on the front for a long time, so Germans decided to strike a crushing blow and cunning - to kill Ioseb Stalin. Leadership of the Reich created special group of officers from the team "Abwehr" "Brandenburg-800". This team helped Nazi agent to deeply embed in USSR army - Will generals of USSR army find out agent? Will they save Russia from invasion of Nazi?..