警察,消防员与纵火犯的较量是不是比较吸引你的眼球呢?跳跃的火星带给人们的除了转瞬即逝的愉悦,更多的却是生死离别.. 故事描述一个幼女亲眼目睹自己家的餐馆被火焰吞没,而由这场灾难产生的心里阴影一直跟随她直到她成年.这场突来的事件后来促使她成为一个警察,也因此她必须接受一次严峻的考验:在非常有限的时间内冲进火场完成她的使命.她的故事起伏跌宕、扣人心弦直到最后。 一个小女孩女孩目睹了自己家饭店在火中化为废墟,这几乎成了她的恶梦,一直伴她到成年。也正是因为这个事故,她励志成为一名警察。但是她需通过最后一项测试,在规定的时间内,进入一栋正在燃烧的房子。她敢进去么?进去之后呢?Watching her family's pizzeria Sirico's burning up when a young girl, Reena Hale decided to follow in the footsteps of Baltimore PD- Fire department liaison, investigator John Minger, and succeeds, except in her parents' case. twice she finds a dream lover, each killed in a fire just before he would propose to her. Hugh's case is clearly arson, and later Josh's is found also to link, the killer even left clues to link to Siricos. Her third lover and neighbor, Bo Goodnight, soon proves the next target, but not the last.