


主演:黛安·基顿 / 特德·丹森 / 凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 / 奎恩·拉提法 / 




布里奇特(黛安·基顿 Diane Keaton 饰)是一个普通的家庭主妇,居住在一间位于郊区的大房子里,丈夫那份薪水不菲的工作足以让她的生活衣食无忧。然而就在一瞬间,美好的生活化为了泡影,丈夫丢了工作,他们不仅即将失去舒适的住宅,布里奇特还不得不为了养家糊口而踏出家门寻找工作。来到人才市场,布里奇特才发现,在这个年头想要赚钱是这样的困难,在繁多的工作岗位之中,自己的古英语学位形同虚设。无奈之下,她成为了美国联邦储备银行的清洁工。   在工作中,布里奇特结识了单身妈妈妮娜(奎恩·拉提法 Queen Latifah 饰)和充满个性的杰姬(凯蒂·霍尔姆斯 Katie Holmes 饰)。每天面对着成捆的钞票,三个被贫穷逼迫的走投无路的女人打起了歪主意。Don and Bridget Cardigan's upper middle class lifestyle is threatened since Don, who has been out of work for a year, seems to have given up looking for a job, and housewife Bridget has been out of the workforce for most of her life. They are close to $300,000 in debt. Finding out this information, Bridget comes to the conclusion that she needs to get a job - any job - that at least provides them with some benefits. She reluctantly takes a job as a janitor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Almost immediately, Bridget is enthralled with all the old worn out money that is being shredded. She comes up with a plan to get her old lifestyle back by stealing much of that money, which she believes is an easy job since the locks used on the money carts are standard equipment and as she notices that no one ever checks the garbage as she goes about her work. Her plan needs the cooperation of one person who works the shredder and one person who pushes the carts of money. The two people she co-opts are single mom Nina Brewster and diabetic, trailer living and constant music listening Jackie Truman. Jackie is easy to convince, but Nina is only convinced when Bridget brings it to her attention that the money would allow her to provide a better education to her two bright sons. Nina vows to kill Bridget if she ever loses her children because of this scheme. As the three woman progress with the plan, it is threatened by: the bank's head of security, a man named Glover, who believes it is impossible to steal money from the reserve; another security guard at the reserve named Barry who seems to be attracted to Nina; Jackie's working class husband Bob who is not used to having money; Don, a conservative man who can't understand being on the wrong side of the law; and Bridget herself who seems to be increasingly focused on getting more and more money with no end in sight, which seems to be diverging from the priorities of her two accomplices.
