



导演:Mario Janelle / 


Plot Summary:Cirque du Soleil presents KOOZA, the story of an innocent and charming clown who strives to find his own place in the world. The Innocent's journey introduces him to a panoply of comic characters. Between strength and fragility, laughter and chills, and turmoil and harmony, KOOZA, the 20th creation from Cirque du Soleil, explores themes of fear, identity, recognition and power. The show is set in an electrifying and exotic visual world full of surprises, thrills, audacity and total involvement. KOOZA, created and directed by David Shiner and filmed by Mario Janelle, combines two circus traditions - acrobatic performance and the art of clowning. The show highlights the physical demands of human performance in all its splendor and fragility, presented in a colorful "mélange" that emphasizes bold slapstick humor.
“KOZA”在梵语中代表“藏宝箱”的意思,由此启发而来的《KOOZA》讲述的是寻找自己容身之处的少年由此返璞归真的故事。演出因扣人心弦的杂技表演和身着绚烂华服的角色而熠熠生辉。欢迎走进这充满刺激和兴奋,犹如藏宝箱般的华美世界。   受印度和巴基斯坦影响颇深的舞台场景十分华丽大气。富于独创性的服装则更加凸显出人物的美轮美奂。   另外,从怀旧的曲调,到令人联想到百老汇音乐剧的华丽音效,配合故事情节而忽平缓忽急促的音乐极富感染力。充满紧张兴奋的《KOOZA》世界因这一切而更加熠熠生辉。


韦尔希宁 • 你知道那种爆炸好看的意思吗?

你知道那种爆炸好看的意思吗? 哇日,这哪是一场马戏啊,这他妈是现场摇滚乐爵士乐+小丑表演+杂技+歌剧