夜间冲突Clash by Night(1952)

又名:琼宵禁梦 / 琼宵夺爱(港)


主演:Barbara Stanwyck Paul Douglas Robert Ryan Marilyn Monroe 

导演:弗里茨·朗 / 编剧:艾尔弗雷德 海斯 (Alfred Hayes)/克利福德 奥狄斯 (Clifford Odets)


Plot Summary:The bitter and cynical Mae Doyle returns to the fishing village where she was raised after deceptive loves and life in New York. She meets her brother, the fisherman Joe Doyle, and he lodges her in his home. Mae is courted by Jerry D'Amato, a good and naive man that owns the boat where Joe works, and he introduces his brutal friend Earl Pfeiffer, who works as theater's projectionist and is cheated by his wife. She does not like Earl and his jokes, but Jerry considers him his friend and they frequently see each other. Mae decides to accept the proposal of Jerry and they get married and one year later they have a baby girl. When the wife of Earl leaves him, he becomes depressed and Mae, who is bored with her loveless marriage, has an affair with him.
芭芭拉·斯坦威克扮演一个玩世不恭的女人,回家与她的弟弟乔(Keith Andes)生活。乔并不怎么高兴,并希望他的女朋友佩吉(玛丽·莲梦露)不受到她的世俗影响。在没有选择的情况下,她嫁给罐头企业老板杰里(Paul Douglas)。杰里知道她不爱他,但希望她能够爱他。后来他们有了一个孩子,即使这样,斯坦威克仍难改本性,喜欢上杰里的的朋友厄尔(Robert Ryan)。在杰里知道老婆有外遇后,两人起了冲突……


Mr. Three
Mr. Three • 奥德茨和朗

我觉得在4到4.5之间,不是完美,但有不少地方我很喜欢。 一个是开头,渔港的早晨,几乎没有对白,J

Peipei • 对白

Mae Doyle D'Amato: Home is where you come when you

phoebepyj • One typical case of Lang in Hollywood

《clash by night》是一部典型的“朗在好莱坞”:Hollywood plot plus