
Peipei • 夜间冲突:对白

Mae Doyle D'Amato: Home is where you come when you run out of places.

Joe Doyle: Why didn't you come home before?
Mae Doyle D'Amato: Why didn't I go to China? Some things you do, some things you don't.

[Peggy watches as Mae leaves to meet Earl]
Joe Doyle: [to Peggy] Maybe you'd like to go with her.
Peggy: Maybe.
Joe Doyle: That ring on your finger - what'd you put it there for? A decoration?
Peggy: She has a right to do what she wants to if she's in love.
Joe Doyle: In love! Listen to me, blondie. The woman I marry, she don't take me on a wait and see basis. I ain't a dress she's bringin' home from the store to see if it fits and if it don't, back it goes. In my book marriage is a two-way proposition: you're just as much responsible as I am. So, that little eye is gonna roam... if what you think is Joe's alright until somethin' better comes along... honey, you better take another streetcar. Well, what's it gonna be?
[she starts to cry and hugs him tight]

Earl: What are you giving me? An hour ago you were in love.
Mae: I don't know what the word means anymore. Not the way we use it.
Earl: You knew yesterday... on the beach.
Mae: Love because we're lonely? love because we're frightened? Love because we're bored.

夜间冲突Clash by Night(1952)

又名:琼宵禁梦 / 琼宵夺爱(港)


主演:Barbara Stanwyck / Paul Douglas / Robert Ryan / Marilyn Monroe / 

导演:弗里茨·朗 / 编剧:艾尔弗雷德 海斯 (Alfred Hayes)/克利福德 奥狄斯 (Clifford Odets)