
又名:同盟鹣鲽(台) / 伴谍同盟(港) / 同盟 / 五秒钟的沉默 / 盟军谍影 / Five Seconds of Silence

上映日期:2016-11-30(中国大陆) / 2016-11-23(美国)片长:124分钟

主演:布拉德·皮特 玛丽昂·歌迪亚 马修·古迪 丽兹·卡潘 夏洛特·霍普 拉菲·卡西迪 杰瑞德·哈里斯 克里斯蒂安·鲁贝克 丹尼尔·贝茨 安格斯·肯尼迪 贾森·马修森 大卫·邦纳维尔 奥古斯特·迪赫 

导演:罗伯特·泽米吉斯 / 编剧:斯蒂文·奈特 Steven Knight


Plot Summary:In the middle of World War II, in turbulent 1942, a plane flies over Morocco and drops a Royal Canadian Air Force paratrooper who comes in to land on a drop zone, somewhere in the desert dunes outside Casablanca. Just in time before anyone notices him, the fearless Wing Commander Max Vatan gets in a car and heads to the town with orders to meet Parisian Marianne Beauséjour, a skillful member of the French Resistance. On a mission to assassinate the German Ambassador in Casablanca, the two operatives must convince every one of their true feelings as a married couple, while in the background, they need to make the necessary preparations for the critical soirée. Without delay, after the success of this suicide mission, Max and Marianne flee together to England with plans on marrying and making a family, regardless of the war. Instead, heavy clouds of distrust and suspicion threaten their relationship, when Max receives a call from the Secret Service Division to inform him that his beloved wife is actually an impostor. In disbelief, with a terrible task in his hands and crushed under a devastating dilemma, Max must find the courage to seek for answers in the perilous streets of bombarded London, regardless of the outcome. In the end, amid duty and love, who shall live and who shall die?
故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,盟军反情报特工马克斯(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)和法国间谍卧底玛丽安(玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)在军事战略要地卡桑布兰卡相遇,为了完成刺杀德国大使的共同愿景,两人不得不假扮夫妻。   刚开始,个性大相径庭的马克思和玛丽安之间屡屡产生误会和矛盾,但随着时间的推移,当他们经历了一些生死存亡的危急时刻并且互相救助之后,两人间的假戏慢慢变成了真做,他们相爱了。最终,任务顺利完成,有情人终成眷属,他们结了婚,还有了爱情的结晶。本以为日子就将长此以往的这样进行下去的马克斯,在一次偶然中开始怀疑自己的妻子的真实身份是一名纳粹间谍。


诡面柴郡 • 有一人风华绝代 有一人倾国倾城

“我知道一个人,与搭档上床了,后来死了,任务也失败了。” “他们死并不是因为在这个时

小烨 • 最心爱的情人,却伤害我最深,为什么你背着我卖国


Ella  
Ella  • 不是因为这个时期上床才使得任务失败,而是他们相爱了


梦里诗书 • 地是人以非

文/梦里诗书 精致的服装道具,对二战时代的出色还原却并没能呈现出一个荡气回肠的故事,《间谍同盟》

罐头辰 • 爱上你,不在我的计划之内


Keith Zh. Dù
Keith Zh. Dù • 古典有余而力不足


skry • A-L-L-I-E-D

A——Ally 联盟 他和她在卡萨布兰卡相识、伪装成一对恩爱的夫妻,背靠背搏命,组一个联盟,杀一个人