00:37:00,800 --> 00:37:04,560
We're taking the children for a ride
to the village. We'll be back for tea.

00:37:04,640 --> 00:37:06,840
Have a nice time. I'll see you then.

Goodbye, little Bryan.

Lord Bullingdon.

Take good care of your mother.

Come now, give your father a proper kiss.

Lord Bullingdon...

...is that the way to behave
to your father?

Lord Bullingdon,
have you lost your tongue?

My father was Sir Charles Lyndon.
I have not forgotten him, if others have.

Lord Bullingdon,
you have insulted your father!

Madam, you have insulted my father.

Dearest, would you excuse us?
We have something to discuss in private.

00:53:26,960 --> 00:53:27,920

Will that be all, Mr. Redmond Barry?

Yes, that will be all.

Well then, look you now.

From this moment, I will submit
to no further chastisement from you.

I will kill you, if you lay hands
on me ever again.

Is that clear to you, sir?

Get out of here!

Don't you think he fits my shoes
very well, Your Ladyship?
Dear child...

...what a pity it is I'm not dead,
for your sake.
The Lyndons would then have
a worthy representative...
...and enjoy all the benefits...
...of the illustrious blood
of the Barrys of Barryville.
Would they not...

...Mr. Redmond Barry?

From the way I love this child...
...you ought to know how
I would've loved his elder brother...
...had he proved worthy
of any mother's affection.


I have borne as long
as mortal could endure...
...the ill-treatment of the insolent lrish
upstart whom you've taken to your bed.
It is not only his lowly birth and the
brutality of his manners which disgust me.
But the shameful nature of his conduct
toward Your Ladyship...
...his brutal and ungentlemanlike
...his open infidelity...
...his shameless robberies and swindling
of my property, and yours.
And as I cannot personally chastise
this low-bred ruffian, and cannot bear...
...to witness his treatment of you...
...and loathe his company
as if it were the plague...
...I have decided to leave my home
and never return.
At least, during his detested life...
...or during my own.
00:45:03,880 --> 00:45:06,000
You have important friends.

00:45:06,080 --> 00:45:08,360
They can tell you
how these things are done.

00:45:09,440 --> 00:45:12,880
For money, well-timed
and properly applied...

00:45:13,840 --> 00:45:15,720
...can accomplish anything.
01:02:55,680 --> 01:02:57,200
Barry had his faults...

...but no man could say of him
that he was not a good and tender father.

He loved his son with a blind partiality.

He denied him nothing.

It is impossible to convey
what high hopes he had for the boy...

...and how he indulged
in a thousand fond anticipations...

...as to his future success
and figure in the world.

But fate had determined that he should
leave none of his race behind him...

...that he should finish his life...

...poor, lonely...

...and childless.
The doctors were called.
01:09:07,000 --> 01:09:10,840
But what does a doctor avail in a contest
with the grim, invincible enemy?
Such as came could only confirm
the hopelessness of the poor child's case.
He remained with his parents
for two days.
And a sad comfort it was to know
that he was in no pain.

01:09:36,560 --> 01:09:37,360

Am I going to die?

No, my darling, you're not going to die.
You're going to get better.

But I can't feel anything,
except in my hands.

Does that mean I'm already dead
in part of my body?

No, my darling, that's where
you were hurt by the horse.

But you're going to be all right.

Papa, if I die, will I go to heaven?

Of course you will, my darling...

...but you're not going to die.

Mama, give me your hand.

Papa, give me your hand.

Will you both promise me something?


Promise me never to quarrel so.

But to love each other.

So that we may meet again, in heaven...

...where Bullingdon said
quarrelsome people will never go.

We promise.

Will you tell me the story
about the fort?

Of course.

We crept up on the fort.
I jumped over the wall first,
and my fellows jumped after me.
And you should have seen the look...
...on the Frenchmen's faces when
23 he-devils, sword and pistol...
...cut and thrust,
came tumbling into the fort.
In three minutes...
...we left....
两只羊拉着灵柩 还是那两只羊 布道
"'l am the resurrection and the life,'
saith the Lord.
"'He that believeth in me,
though he were dead...
"'...yet shall he live.
"'And whosoever liveth
and believeth in me...
"'...shall never die.'
"l know that my Redeemer liveth...
"...and that He shall stand
at the latter day upon the earth.
"And though after my skin
worms destroy this body...
"...yet in my flesh shall I see God.
"Whom I shall see for myself
and mine eyes shall behold...
"...and not another.

01:13:18,920 --> 01:13:21,040
"We brought nothing into this world...
"...and it is certain
we can carry nothing out.
"The Lord gave,
and the Lord hath taken away.
"Blessed is the name of the Lord."

01:14:16,960 --> 01:14:19,160
Barry's grief was inconsolable.
Such solace as he could find,
came only from drink.
00:26:45,160 --> 00:26:48,280
"...we are gathered together
here in the sight of God...
"...and in the face of this congregation...
"...to join together this man
and this woman in holy matrimony."

00:26:56,480 --> 00:26:59,560
A year later,
on the fifteenth ofJune...
...in the year 1773...
...Redmond Barry had the honour to lead
to the altar the Countess of Lyndon.
The ceremony was performed by the
Reverend Runt, Her Ladyship's Chaplain.

00:27:15,040 --> 00:27:18,000
"And therefore is not in any way
to be enterprised...
"...nor taken in hand unadvisedly...
"...lightly or wantonly...
"...to satisfy men's carnal lusts
and appetites...
"...like brute beasts
that have no understanding.
"But reverently...
"...and in the fear of God.
"Duly considering the causes
for which matrimony was ordained.
"...it was ordained for the procreation
of children to be brought up...
"...in the fear and nurture of the Lord,
and to the praise of His holy name.
"...it was ordained for a remedy
against sin, and to avoid fornication."

00:28:16,680 --> 00:28:19,680
Barry had now arrived
at the pitch ofprosperity...
...and by his own energy had raised
himself to a higher sphere ofsociety...
...having procured His Majesty's
gracious permission to add the name...
...of his lovely Lady to his own.
Thenceforth, Redmond Barry
assumed the style...
...and title of Barry Lyndon.
"It was in the reign of George III that the above-named personages lived and

quarreled ; good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor, they are all equal now."

The films period setting allowed Kubrick to indulge his penchant for classical music, and the film score uses pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonio Vivaldi, Giovanni Paisiello, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Franz Schubert. The score also includes Irish folk music performed by The Chieftains. The piece most associated with the film is the main title music, George Friderich Handel's stately Sarabande from the Keyboard suite Vol.2, No.4 in D minor HWV 437, originally for solo harpsichord. Yet, the versions for main and end title are performed very romantically with orchestral strings, harpsichord, and tympani. It is used at various points in the film, in various arrangements, to indicate the implacable working of impersonal fate.

Kubrick is keenly aware of the person sitting in the audience, watching the film. A Clockwork Orange begins with Alex, looking straight at the camera, and as we pull back we see that he is sitting in the Korova Milk Bar, watching us watching him as he narrates his story for us. In other words, while Kubrick's narratives transgress centuries, leap into the future or the past, they are framed by the audience to which they are addressed. Therefore, Barry Lyndon is a film about the Twentieth Century watching the Eighteenth Century with narration provided by the Nineteenth Century, and this film lends itself well to an analysis with regards to Kubrick's work, for it presents many of his previous fascinations in more overt fashion -- and was filmed as a substitute for his dream project, a gargantuan epic on Napoleon that probably would have brought together every one of Kubrick's obsessions, themes, and interests[3].

巴里·林登Barry Lyndon(1975)

又名:乱世儿女(港) / 巴里林登


主演:瑞安·奥尼尔 Ryan O'Neal/马里莎·贝伦森 Marisa Berenson/帕特里克·马基 Patrick Magee/哈迪·克鲁格 Hardy Krüger/史蒂文·伯克夫 Steven Berkoff/盖伊·汉密尔顿 Gay Hamilton/玛丽·基恩 Marie Kean/黛安娜·科尔纳 Diana Körner/穆雷·梅尔文 Murray Melvin/弗兰克·米德尔马斯 Frank Middlemass/安德鲁·莫瑞尔 André Morell/戈弗雷·奎格利 Godfrey Quigley/雷纳德·洛塞特 Leonard Rossiter/菲利普·斯通 Philip Stone/利昂·维塔利 Leon Vitali/乔纳森·塞西尔 Jonathan Cecil/彼得·塞利尔 Peter Cellier/杰弗里·蔡特 Geoffrey Chater/伯纳德·赫普顿 Bernard Hepton/巴里·杰克逊 Barry Jackson/沃尔夫·卡赫勒 Wolf Kahler/汉斯·迈尔 Hans Meyer/费迪·梅恩 Ferdy Mayne/利亚姆·雷德蒙 Liam Redmond/帕特·罗奇 Pat Roach/多米尼克·塞维奇 Dominic Savage/John Sharp

导演:斯坦利·库布里克 Stanley Kubrick编剧:斯坦利·库布里克 Stanley Kubrick/威廉·萨克雷 William Makepeace Thackeray

