



I need professional help. I can’t get rid of this blanket. It’s the only thing that keeps me going.这是唯一让我继续下去的东西)

You know ,Lucy,I have to admit ,I see some value in this blanket business It seems to put him in a mood for contemplation. I imagine it quiets his mind so he can really think about things. In fact ,I think a lot of your problems would be solved,Lucy, if you had a blanket. Maybe if you had a blanke ,you wouldn’t be so crabby. And so mean-spirited.And so….Quick-tempered.(露西,我不得不承认,在这件毯子事件上我明白了点什么,毯子似乎让莱纳斯的心情变得更好,我想毯子使他的心情沉静,使他能真正的思考。其实,我觉得如果你也有一条毯子的话,你的很多问题也将得到解决,也许如果你有一条毯子,你就不会这么倔了,也不会这么卑鄙这么……性急……)

Would you give a starving dog a rubber bone ?你会把一个橡胶骨头给一条饥饿的狗吗?

Listen,Charlie Brown. That old blanket soaks up all my fears and frustrations.Don’ you have fears and frustrations,Charlie Brown?那条旧毯子带走了我所有的恐惧和挫折


I need my blanket! I admit it! Look at all of you. Who among you doesn’t have an insecurity? Who among you doesn’t depend on someone or something to help you get through the day? 你们有谁不缺乏安全感?有谁不依赖某人或某物来帮助你度过一天?)Who among you can cast the first stone? How about you ,Sally? You with your endless Sweet Babboos. Or you , Schroeder? You with your Beethoven, Beethoven, Beethoven. And you, lucy. Never leaving Schroeder alone. Obseeeing over someone who doesn’t care if he ever sees you again. What do you want? Do you want to see me unhappy? Do you want to see me insecure? Do you want to see me end up like Charlie Brown? Even your crazy dog, Charlie Brown. Suppertime,Suppertime,Suppertime. Nothing but suppertime,24hours a day. Are any of you secure?你们真的有安全感吗?

幸福是一条温暖的毛毯Happiness Is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown(2011)

又名:A boldogság egy meleg takaró, Charlie Brown


主演:特伦顿·罗杰斯 / Shane Baumel / Blesst Bowden / 席亚拉·博拉沃 / Austin Lux / 阿曼达·佩斯 / 安迪·佩索亚 / 

导演:Andrew Beall / Frank Molieri / 编剧:Charles M. Schulz/Craig Schulz/Stephan Pastis