-Personal Critics-UKeham
-Personal rates:C/IMDb:5.6/豆瓣:无评分
-Brief:如果超人不像平时我们见过的那样冷酷迷人而是一个长得不起眼又不善于言辞和社交的烂好人会怎么样?英国版超人诠释了一下脱去超人外衣更贴近生活甚至更平庸的普通人这样的想象,讲述了一个6年没约会过却又因约会意识到自己真正爱上清洁工并勇敢追寻爱情的喜剧故事。故事情节搞笑有趣,结局圆满。What would happens if superhero is an YES man and loser who is not good at words and social interact without cool and charming appearance? The british superhero happens to be real and even more normal person without his outfit. It’s a comedy about a guy who is going for his first date for six years finally falls in love to his cleaner and starts to face love. Good plot, hilarious line and with happy ending.



主演:Brett Goldstein/凯瑟琳·塔特 Catherine Tate/娜塔丽·特纳 Natalia Tena/劳拉·哈德克 Laura Haddock/鲁斯·西恩 Ruth Sheen

导演:Jon Drever编剧:William Bridges/Jon Drever
